WanderingCreature said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Okay so, hopefully no one gets offended but I have some questions about orgasms..

Having a messed up childhood inadvertently led to masturbation as early as seven years old for me. I have been in relationships and stuff and it seems to be harder and harder for me to actually have an orgasm now. I’m on 10mg of fluoxetine (which isn’t a whole lot) but I don’t think it has anything to do with it as I have been on it for three years now.
Does your body just actually run out of steam or something??? To the point where you can get close but not actually climax?? I am a female, btw, and it’s becoming hard for me even in new relationships! Is there a way I can make it easier to orgasm? or something???
Help :(

Jess said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Are you still getting aroused the same or is that difficult too? How often do you have sex/masturbate? Are you sure it’s not your medication or another medical issue? When did you notice this problem starting?

If you aren’t getting aroused enough, that in turn will make it harder to climax. This can be because of medical or personal issues.

If you have sex/masturbate a lot, some people will recommend you do it less to kind of wind yourself up for it.

I don’t know about medication but see if hows have had difficulties after being on that medication for a while. You can Google for their experiences.

If you can remember back to when this started happening, think about other changes in your life (not just sex life). Personal changes, medical changes etc and maybe that could explain it too.

Hope this helps.

Mooinator3000 said 9 years, 3 months ago:

My only idea with this is that you’re starting to become de-sensitized to orgasams. A possible way to stop it is to stop having them for a period of time. Such as a week, two or even a month if drastic measures are something you are willing to take

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Yours is actually a very common problem. I know several women who have conditioned themselves with mastubation aides in such a manner that they can’t orgasm without an extended effort. I have a very good friend that is beautiful and could have practically any sex partner of her choosing and yet she rarely gets a second chance because sex with here is so time consuming. It turns out that she just over stimulated her clitorius with vibrators. She has been going to a sex therapist and they have been doing exercises that stimulate the inside of the vaginal wall where the nerves from the clitorius travel down the side. She has since gave up the vibrators and is now able to climax just by her hands and without clitorial stimulation. So there is hope. Maybe you should check to see if there is a licensed sex therapist in your area. Good luck everyone should have a good orgasm.

Rinesco said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Um, not to be rude, but how often do you masturbate? That could be your problem. People say that sex is mostly mental and if you masturbate too frequently you’ll be less inclined to go after the real thing. Using porn would also heavily affect your lack of an ability to have an orgasm with an actual partner.

How about trying not to masturbate for 30 or 90 days?

DariusGoad said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I have this same problem sometimes. My usual solution is to try something new with my porn.

WanderingCreature said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Thank you all so much for the responses! I definitely took it upon myself to make a few changes. I stopped watching porn entirely ( I am at almost three months now without it) as well as I don’t masturbate almost at all, maybe once every three/ four weeks. I have found that not watching porn has made my expectations a little more “real” as I am only focusing on my partner rather than artificial scenarios I have watched in videos. Sex has become much more enjoyable and I orgasm almost everytime. Thanks guys !