Nico Carter said 9 years ago:

Just message me! I’m here to talk about sexuality, gender or anything really. I’d love to help out. I am pansexual and genderfluid myself and just love to give advice, so feel free to talk to me about anything. No judgement!

Basicenglish said 9 years ago:

I identify as Bisexual, and I’ve had girlfriends and boyfriends in the past… But i just don’t feel right with all of that. Like i’m attracted to boy and girls, but sometimes i’m not attracted to one of the genders. Some days I feel no attraction towards women, other days its men that don’t hold my interest. I feel really weird and messed up for all of this… What would that be?

EverythingtotheSoul said 8 years, 12 months ago:

Well, I don’t know if I’m bi or not, but it feels like it. I’ve dated boys in the past, but recently, I’ve had a crush on a girl, someone really close to me. At first, I thought she liked me, so I let myself get hopeful and develop a crush on her. But I don’t know what she feels now. Now it just seems…different. Whenever I’m around her, my chest tightens, and sometimes it’s the crush talking, but more recently, it’s anxiety. I’ve only dated boys before, so I have no idea if I’m bi or not. I’m just scared that she’s catching onto my crush. I would die. I don’t want to hurt her that way. She’ll feel awful.

Darling❤️ said 8 years, 11 months ago:

hey. i am new in group

kitty said 8 years, 10 months ago:

ok, I have a question. or a statement. or whatever.
I had been dealing with feelings like I am attracted to girls, and I had a bf for a while, but when I told him I was attracted to girls he got all up in my face about how I led him on and shiz. I went to an alternative prom with a girl from my school and had a great time and all, but then I started thinking that girls are cute and all, but I am not sure I want to date one. Now I do not know what to do because my ex bf told all our friends that I am lez now so none of the guys will date me and I do not think I want to date the girls. I dont know what I want. What should I do? Should I try to get my ex bf back, or find another guy or try to date a girl or what?