heaven layman said 9 years, 5 months ago:

when i was 6 my dad got a new girlfriend, her brother was 6 years older than me and he started spending the night. When it would get dark he would come in to my room that i shared with my sister and he’d touch us. he did it in our room until we moved out 6 months later. One night i went to stay at a mutual family members and when i did he was there. Him and my cousin made me and my cousins sisters touch them. Later on that night they made me go into my cousins room where they played “doctor” for 3 years after that i was terrified to go see a doctor. when i was 9 my sister told my dad and it got investigated. i was so scared but because he didnt penitrate me they examiners didnt see that it was still a sexual assult. i never wanted them to touch me or to touch them. when i was 11 this was still happening. he was still touching me. i resorted to cutting when i was 7 because of all of this. Child services were call on something unrelated and had asked if i was ever touched and i told them about this guy. they didnt believe me because after i told my dad that i told them he went n told them i was lying. my father wasnt tehre to protect me…. what happend to a parent is supposed to believe their kid over anything when it comes to this? when i was 15 i had to go stay with this man because his son had a broken femur (caused by him) and it continued…. i hate myself everyday for not hurting him and showing him what what he did was wrong….. he now has a 12 yr old step daughter and i feel so scared for her because i know how he is. The worst part is, his wife knows nd this most ecent time i was their they made me have a 3some :’( im 17. hes 23 and her 36…. i hate the feeling of holding it all in. help?

Jess said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Do you have a trusted person you can talk to? Friends? Teachers? A school counselor, maybe? I think it would be really great if you could talk to them. They’re there to help. You don’t have to hold it all in, you’ve lived with this for far too long already. You can let it out and you can get better. All you gotta do is take that first step and talk to someone. You can also Google search mental health services and sexual assault/abuse recovery services too. Don’t forget anonymous help lines you can call. You’re not trapped, there are people out there who want to help. xx

Kwonza said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I don’t want to sound urgent to scare you, but is there a friend’s home you can stay at? You need to leave. I know it seems like a risky or bad idea, but it’s a lot better than living through this mental hell. Seek therapy, contact people, report this. Even try to record something that is being said against you. You have to express this. Don’t keep it in.
And just so you know, you’re not alone. PM me at any time and I will be here to help you. I know the psychological torment of all this. It’s nothing you should ever have to go through alone.
Remember, this is NOT your fault. It never has been and it never will be. You are a beautiful and pure person. Stay strong and do your best to leave that place.