Shield Geek said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I believe in Darwin’s theory, because science has clearly proven that the earth was made by meteors and asteroids and comets coming together, and how us humans came to be because of the big bang theory. I believe humans evolved off of simple dinosaur bacteria. And I also believe that if this bacteria were still around today, concluding my thoughts of the bacteria not reproducing and being used up, it would still be reproducing today.

Argue with me!

Deleted User said 9 years, 10 months ago:

It isn’t Darwin’s theory. That makes it sound like it is the theory of one man. It is usually only called that by ignorant science deniers. He may have been the first to establish the mechanism as natural selection but it has been proven by mountains of evidence unavailable in his day. Also To begin with, let’s not use the word “believe” or “belief” That word should be used for religious faith, that is acceptance an untestable assertion. I accept modren evolutionary theory as the best explanation for things we see in the world.

Evolutionary theory has been around for more than 150 years. It has been continually tested by workers in biology, biochemistry, paleontology, geology, physics, ecology, ethology and other fields. No huge flaws have been found, and under their study evolutionary theory has changed to explain newly observed phenomena. I agree,It’s kind of hard not to, but there will always be those who don’t despite blatantly clear facts, so.

The Giggle Blizzard said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I don’t think there is anything anybody could say after above post, well said.