Staceylou said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I’ve posted here a few months ago about itchy scars, I’ve tried to stop them itching but they still do occasionally. It’s worse if I’m in the bath or shower, I’ve just got out of the shower and while I was in there they were so itchy and changed to a dark shade of purple, they are normally bright.

These scars are around 4-5 months old, is this something I should worry about or is this part of the healing process?
They were the deepest cuts I’d ever done to myself and they are on my thigh.

Jess said 10 years, 3 months ago:

The colour changing is totally normal. It’s just like your normal skin changing colour when you get cold or hot. Some people go red at the drop of a hat, others don’t. Some people’s skin goes purple and their veins become very obvious when they’re cold, others don’t.

The scars that I have that haven’t faded change colour as well. It’s been a while so all of the small ones are now white, but before they faded, after showers they would look kind angry even though they felt fine, and the few bigger ones I have that are not faded, also change colour, sometimes turn the deep purple you describe. It’s nothing to worry about.

I don’t have much advice on the itching though, my few bigger ones do itch occasionally though but not all the time. (Just to clarify, talking about fully healed tissue, not scabs or wounds).