Baleigh said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Hello, my name is Baleigh and I’m 17 years old. I have been bullied ever since kindergarten and I’ve dealt with depression most of my life. I have moved a couple times and so far I’ve gone to 6 different schools since then. I am about to attend my senior year at yet another school, but not completely because of bullying reasons. On Friday, August 17th, 2012 I was kidnapped, held at gunpoint, and carjacked. I was in a mall parking lot waiting for my dad to get off of work. I was there to pick him up. The man approached me after I got out of my car and held me at gunpoint. Fortunately, he let me go after a while. But he took the car, pistol whipped me twice, punched me once, and left me in a parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Sure, there were businesses around, but this was late at night and they were all closed. I ended up running a few miles before I reached help. When I did, the cops were called and I was taken to the station where I ended up staying for a couple hours telling them what happened. It’s May of 2013 and I’m still not over this. I was just recovering from very severe depression before this happened, so everything just happened at an inconvenient time. Now I have PTSD and depression mixing. When I would have panic attacks at school, people that I thought were my friends would start laughing at me and calling me a baby and they said I was weak. I still have a few friends left, but many left me at the time that I needed them most. The past few weeks haven’t been the best at home either. My parents and I have just been arguing a whole lot, which keeps adding stress to the whole situation. I can’t get away from this and I’m tired of trying. I have a support team including my wonderful boyfriend, some good friends, and my therapist (who hasn’t been available in a few weeks, but I’m going to see her when she comes back to work), but the support team sometimes isn’t enough. I used to cut and I have seriously considered it for the past couple months. I haven’t yet, but I’m at the end of my rope. I’m not thinking of suicide, I just can’t take this anymore. It’s hard being unhappy so often and I’m so lost.

Deleted User said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Hi Baleigh, I’m so sorry to hear what you have been through. Your therapist will surely be able to help you with PTSD. It takes time to work through but extremely important to do so. Teenagers aren’t the most compassionate people are they. Most people have trouble comprehending what you have been through and don’t know how to help or what to say. It will be people that have training or have been in similar situations that will be able to offer you the most amount of support. Ask your therapist if they know of a support group in your area where you can find people to lean on for help and understanding. It will take time to process what you have been through and other people may or may not be helpful. PTSD can cause fluctuating emotions and that is expected considering what you have been through. Perhaps your parents could join you for a few sessions. I’m sure it would be helpful and eye opening. See if your therapist can arrange this. As a small child I was picked up by a stranger that drove me to the middle of nowhere… Acted really strange and then for some reason brought me closer to home again. I found out later he had murdered at least one little girl in the area. So I can imagine what you went through. If you want to chat just send me an email. I have a counselling diploma and have dealt with a number of issues in my life that may help you.


Kirstin Lopez said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Baleigh, I’m sorry that people around you do not know how to put themselves in your shoes. I’ve experienced traumatic events and I think there are huge steps you can start taking to try to accept what happened to you. It may be frustrating knowing that you’ll have the memories, but having strength is key and here are some things that have helped me. -submit to their newsletters,, people of the second chance and this site. just surround yourself with positive energy, love! try to find words that will make you have faith in yourself. you can talk to me anytime, just to vent or for advice or just a friend. My parents have never talked to me about my incident and things are tough at home for me always so i know that it can feel lonely but it does not have to be that way and i’m glad you’re seeing a therapist. in between sessions make sure you surround urself with ur boyfriend, the sites i listed, and self-love!!

Deleted User said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I don’t know if I agree with adopt an attitude of “I don’t care” Id modify that to “I take what you say and see if it is a valid point if not… I don’t care” When people interact with you in a positive or negative way they are giving you feedback on your behaviour. Sometimes what they say has a grain of truth on something that you could work on to be more productive and successful. Yet people are generally interested in their own needs. They will behave accordingly. Few people will do what’s best for everyone.. Most do whats best for them. So when you realize that you expect it and it doesn’t cause so much stress. Unfortunately in this world there are people that will physically harm anyone if it suits them. Is it mental illess? Brain damage of some kind? Terrible anger due to how they were treated as small children.. We all have to be on the lookout for those people and protect ourselves accordingly. This young girl unfortunately came across one of these low lives in person. I’m so sorry for that. Now it is a matter of her healing and moving on. If she lives in an unsafe area then move or become more safe as to where and at what times she goes out.

Deleted User said 10 years, 10 months ago:

Hi, I also suffer from PTSD and couldn’t help but notice that you basically just had the one year anniversary of the event. For me the anniversary always triggers or intensifies my PTSD symptoms. Please feel free to message me anytime.

Deleted User said 10 years, 10 months ago:

Yes I totally agree with that not caring if things go wrong. A person has to be flexible and not be attached to anything or anyone so much that they fall into a deep depression for a long period if that thing goes away. People let you down, things don’t work out as you expected, emergencies come and go, you get laid off, your parents are disappointed, your sibling doesn’t care about you.. whatever.. you are your own best friend and just need to focus on where you want to go, what you want to do, and care for those around you but no to the point that you are co-dependent.