Friendly Lemon said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Hey other listeners! I am relatively new on this site but I have helped a lot of people out in real life. The question I wish to pose to you guys is how you introduce and start up a conversation with a ventor. I always start with the usual, Hi, (wait for response), How are you doing?

Anyone else have any other ways they find work?

Grayson said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I do the exact same thing you do.

It’s one of the easiest ways to spark a conversation.
Other than that, I just ask questions.

It’s always nice to get to know people, and just saying, “How are you?” could spark a conversation.

Jess said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I used to be like “Hello. My name’s Jess. How are you? :) ” but I find it’s better to approach more casually with a simple “Hey, how’s it going?”. Some people don’t want to Vent straight off the bat and want you to be human first, others will ignore the hello and go straight into their problem.

When I’ve been a Venter, I’ve found it kind of awkward when it’s just “hi” and it kind of turns into one of those linear conversations:
“how are you”
“im good”
“thats good”
“so whats your problem”

It’s not very engaging, you know. That’s just a personal preference. The simple “Hey, how’s it going?” hasn’t failed me this far.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Based on who asks first:
Hello / Hello
How are you doing? / I’m fine and you?

If they answer but don’t go on talking:
‘Is there something you want to talk about?’

Anybody said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I use “Hello”, “How are you doing?”, and then if they don’t say anything else, “What’s up?”

omniscientbeing said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Casual human responses work best. I’m mostly a listener although in times of need the listeners have been there for me. Start it off with a casual greeting, ask them how they are, and from my experience they usually say what’s bothering them at this point, and you can go from here. Glad to have another person helping out others, it’s a wonderful community here

Humanist Hope said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I tend to juggle my language to keep from becoming a mechanical Listener; sometimes I present a more formal face and other times I address the Venter in a very casual manner.

SleepingDog said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I crack jokes. The temporary names assigned to both sides of the conversation gave me quite a lot of inspiration.

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Hello my name is ben you have my attention :3