gabby said 9 years, 5 months ago:

For the past few years I have suffered depression and everything around me always happened to make me feel like I didn’t even exist. It hurt a lot because my own therapist and some of my friends couldn’t gave up on me. Being a victim of bullying was so hard because so many people were bystanders. It hurt a lot to feel so worthless and irrelevant that while others were trying to hurt my feelings and with no one helping me I felt like there was no reason for me to live.
Throughout all the bullying, self-harm, anxiety, I was recommended this website. You guys helped me start my journey to picking up the pieces, and I can’t thank you guys enough that I’ve finally noticed that people do care. I feel even more happier that I’ve helped people on this website as well which makes me smile because I know that I’ve made their day better. I have found ways to overcome my social anxiety and I can stand up for myself, if i didn’t pick myself up i wouldn’t have found my best friends i love and trust so much who are by my side. I have learnt to not hide my feelings anymore and not suck it all in.
Honestly, no matter what the heck you’re going through, it will get better. Yes everyone says that but it’s true. It might not feel like it but just be positive, take little steps and even though that might take a while you’ll feel better. Yes, there will be times that will be sad but that won’t last forever. If I didn’t believe in myself and do something about how I feel, I wouldn’t feel as alive and happy as I do now.

You are amazing and anything is possible :)