AMarie said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Ashley Marie. I am 20, depressed a lot. An outcast. Alone. Lost, and confused. I am trying to find something to help. And I am tired of it all…

Zach said 9 years, 11 months ago:

That’s a very familiar feeling to me, Ashley. I’m 27 and suffer from manic depression, but I do my best not to let it get me down. I constantly wear a large pair of headphones when I’m not at work – it’s honestly about the only way I can make it through the day, half of the time. If you’re feeling alone, let’s talk. If you’re lost, look for a lantern to help guide you. The “darkness” can be very confusing, but once you reach out, you might realize that people aren’t as far away as you thought – we may all just be walking around with blindfolds on. Feel free to send me a message at any time, for any reason. I’ll help however I can, even if it’s just listening to you talk about nothing in particular.

Ayesha said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Hey Ashley. I can understand that you’re life is hard, you’re going through a very tough time. But you have to work for something in order to achieve it. I know all is lost but don’t let it control you. There is still life at the end of the tunnel! You’ll find it if you work for it. Good luck to you. I believe you can do this. You’ll find something that helps you get better because believe me, I know depression is hell.

subliminallysublime said 9 years, 11 months ago:

maybe you have a caretaker personality, but usually i find that finding people to help becomes the problem when you’re the person that actually needs it the most