Tintots said 10 years, 5 months ago:

he tells me he really likes me but he spends his time with other girls too.. i tell him i’m the jealous type, he says he likes it, but he told me that i should also think about his feelings, so what does that mean?? it is bad when i tell him he hurts me when he gives half of his time with other girls? we’ve been dating for a year.. i really love him, but i cant seem to trust him now, it’s really hard for me. :(

L1ghtz said 10 years, 5 months ago:

It’s normal for people to want to visit others outside of the relationship, friends are friends. However if you feel like his priorities aren’t where they should be, or that he shows suspicious signs of behavior, you may indeed have a reason to question his motives. As for the loving you part. He may indeed have love for you, love isn’t a very well defined word, and therefore has the potential to be on many different levels. You may love him, more than he loves you, or at least feel that way. What is important, and needs to be realized in this situation is whether he full-fill’s the emotional needs you have. For example: you can spend X amount of time with someone, realize you truly care for them, and build a relationship. This can lead to a strong build up of emotions, flying everywhere, aka butterflies. After this subsides, which would appear to be where you are now at a year into the relationship. Your going to start noticing flaws, this is the defining period of time where you need to realize whether it truly is a reciprocated love, or just the after effect of butterflies.

TheMatter said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I’m one of those creepy introverts that read up on all this stuff – if you get the chance, when you’re either in a class or a homeroom with him, or even at a party, do what’s called the ’3 point stare’.
Catch his eye and make eye contact with him. Any more than a second or two will seem weird, so look away before then, but only for about one second. If he’s still staring, he likes you.

That’s something I picked up a few months back, and being a guy, I know it works.

Sassyflame31 said 10 years, 5 months ago:

What kind of “hanging out does he do? I have a bf, but I also have tons of guy friends. It’s ok for him to have friends of the opposite sex. If it really matters to you, you need to make that clear. Tell him that you understand it’s irrational, but it makes you uncomfortableness for him to hang with other girls when you aren’t around. Tell him you are really sorry you have to ask him to do this, but that it really matters to you. Make it clear that you are sorry, but be firm and convicted. If you make a good argument, he will have more respect for you and you may come to a compromise beneficial for both of you.