Braig said 10 years ago:

So basically, I met up with the girl I liked 2 weeks ago. We went to the cinema and chilled for a while. It looked like it was going well but on the way home I said we should do this again sometime but she saw through it and said she wasn’t looking for a relationship. After it she messaged me saying sorry she made it awkward. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it but she said it has nothing to do with me, but she would rather not share and it’s complicated. If it helps, we met last month at a party, we didn’t really talk at it but she sent me a friend request on Fb and we’ve been talking every 2-3 days. I know she was in a relationship last year but it ended badly apparently. What should I do now?

Pearly Dewdrops Drop said 10 years ago:

Hello :)

Aw I’m sorry that she made it kind of awkward, but I think right now she is trying to heal from her last relationship.

MAYBE a reason why she sent you a request on fb is just to be friends, someone who she knows will have her back and listen to her. She could just want to expand her circle of friends too, I’m not 100% sure because I wasn’t with you guys and I’m not her. But that’s what I interpret when I read your story.

I think that you should keep talking to her (not flirty) and just be a friend. Start with being friends, then when you think she is giving you signs that she is ready/wants a relationship again, go for it :) .

That’s just what I think. Hope it helps a bit.


Deleted User said 10 years ago:

I agree with Pearly Dewdrops Drop. I think this girl just needs some time to heal. If she says she isn’t interested, don’t push the issue, but if you really like her, what would it hurt to wait for her? sure, it doesn’t mean you can’t see other people, but don’t ignore. just be there for her and maybe when she decides she is ready for a relationship like you’re looking for she will make the first move and let you know. just be sure you don’t read her wrong and take something for a sign she’s ready or interested when she isn’t.