katie27 said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Me and my bf have not been sexually active for over 6months. He is very insecure after a silly comment i made.
It is causing stress and tension. I am finding it very hard.

Valeska said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Hey Katie.

Well, guys can get very insecure about these things, especially when it comes to sex. I guess it’s that guys always expect to be perfect, and I guess the comment could have shaken him up.

What you should do is attempt to ignite it, and do let him know you want to do it, guys are awful at reading signals as well. Do something nice for him, and set the mood, and show him it’s okay, while letting him know you want this. Compliment him as well on how he looks that night and so forth.

Penny said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I think you should have a discussion with him, confront whatever it is that has got between you and don’t put pressure on him to have sex if he isn’t comfortable just yet.

Paramedico said 9 years, 4 months ago:

A guy doesn’t want an apology. Saying sorry only confirms the comment, what you need to do is empower him about himself and his body. The way to do that is simply by providing compliments, not on excess… but occasionally. Also just don’t ask for sex, be seductive when trying get it. Some guys just don’t automatically want sex, they need to be brought into the feeling to increase the sex drive. If none of that works… you either wait or leave him.

Destiny said 9 years, 4 months ago:

He could have had low self esteem before he went out with you and with the comment you made probably triggered him to not want to be sexually active with you. Apologizing may work but things take time, how about you randomly compliment him and appreciate him and his body.