Reveri said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I just really need people to talk to…I’ve felt so depressed lately and it seems whenever I try to talk to a family member or my bf about what I’m sad about it just ends up hurting them..especially my boyfriend..and I don’t want to lose him…I want him to see me as happy..

I would get therapy if I could but I’m currently out of a job and rather poor, so I tried looking up maybe free resources for people to talk to and can’t really find anything. I really want to talk to people via the internet because I am not comfortable talking on the phone..Does anyone maybe know a good site with people I could talk to? People that would actually offer me advice and help rather than some of these sites where all they say is “tell me more about that”…that doesn’t help at all..

or if anyone on this site would like to talk to me I would feel really grateful …

I really fear if I keep going down this path with this depression I’ll end up losing someone I love very much and I want help so I don’t push them away…

nlight said 10 years, 8 months ago:

At your service. But if it is serious depression I cannot do much, you need a therapist.

HAIDYBELL said 10 years, 8 months ago:

If you really want to just talk id be open to it.

Andi said 10 years, 8 months ago:

You can talk to me too. Like I put in my description, I don’t have very many problems of my own but I joined to help others through theirs.