Deleted User said 8 years, 8 months ago:

1. A person’s eyes dilate strongly when they are in a problem-solving mode and very stimulated. At maximum dilation, the person is ready to make a decision which is more likely to be positive than negative.

2. An eyebrow raise is a sign that a person is not threatening. When you eye brow raise someone, they will often smile. This is a very submissive sign or at least is perceived that way.

3. The first person to look away in an introduction is the more submissive.

4. If a person is maintaining strong eye contact, they are either challenging you if their eyes are constricted or interested in you if their eyes are dilated.

5. The most threatening look is achieved by moving narrowed eyes toward a person with little to no body movement.

6. The speed of the head movement will demonstrate how mad a person is.

7. If someone gives you a sideways glance, look at their eyebrows. If they are raised, they like you; if otherwise, then they don’t.

8. If a person’s eyes are darting around, they are getting bored or nervous.

9. When shaking someone’s hand, if their hand is on top, they are trying to dominate, and vice versa.

10. Honesty equals palm displays.

11. If a person says that they cannot do something, and they show you their palms, they are telling the truth.

12. If you are talking with your palms, it would force others to speak truthfully.

13. Hands clenched in front of a person means that they are holding back a negative emotion.

14. Holding one’s wrist behind their back is an attempt at self-control.

15. If a person places their head on their open hands as if on a platter, they admire you.

16. If a person is picking imaginary lint, they have a secret opinion that they don’t want to tell you.

17. Hands folded in front, hand in hand, indicates that they are feeling vulnerable.

18. Pointing at a person is one of the most annoying gestures.

19. The rubbing of the hands together indicates that the person is expecting something positive.

20. Holding hands behind the back shows that you are confident and feel superior.

21. The jiggling of the feet is a sign that the person wants to get away from a situation.


1. When a person is lying to you, they are either hesitant to make eye contact with you or might make too much eye contact.

2. They answer questions that you don’t even ask.

3. They provide more information than necessary.

4. A genuine shrug indicates honesty; a partial shrug indicates otherwise.

5. They are likely to stutter.

6. They are likely to not use contractions.
You – “Did you take my pen?”
Them – “I did not take your pen.”)

7. They are likely to give you a Duchenne smile.

8. They show signs of discomfort or turn away from you.

9. There is a slight increase in voice pitch.

10. Their eyes do not blink so often during the time at which they lie; they blink rapidly afterwards.

11. They are likely to cross their arms.

12. They often use your own words in their response.
You – “Did you steal my tow truck?”
Them – “I did not steal your tow truck.”)

13. Their pupils are dilated.

14. They give a very specific denial.
You – “Did you throw water balloons at my son?”
Them – “I did not throw water balloons at your son with my friends, Bill and Joey, at ten o’clock in the morning.”)

15. They purse their lips and mouth.

16. They often touch their face, mouth, or nose with above average frequency.

17. They tend to over-focus on irrelevant details.

18. They give contradictory or inconsistent explanations.

19. They give long introductions filled with detail but then gloss over important parts of the story where the deception lies.

20. They may tend to unconsciously put objects between themselves and you.

21. Their answer is in strict chronology.

22. They get a little too defensive.