Elf said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I was doing really well with recovery until tonight. Tonight my friend was discussing his new girlfriend with me, and linked me to a tumblr page with all her photos and gifs. I scrolled down and there were MILLIONS of photos of her legs, hipbones, stomach, ribs… It made me miss when I looked like that. To the point I’ve decided I give up on recovery. I’ve been miserable ever since I gained weight. I’m only at 94lbs, 4lbs heavier than her but I feel like I’m massive. My thigh gap is nearly non-existent, my arms are horrible, I miss my hipbones and ribs… I just can’t do it. I can’t do it any more. I need to lose weight.

◆☆Oliver☆◆ said 9 years, 5 months ago:

I say you shouldn’t give up with the recovery. There will always be that one person that makes you wish you looked better, but personally you should only care about being you. But I say for what you weigh, you shouldn’t strive to be any skinnier. Love yourself for who you are.