Raee said 10 years, 4 months ago:

…you’re around bees or spiders and you are drawn to them, or they are drawn to you and you can’t do anything about it?

Last night I had a bee land on my finger in my dream, and it felt real, but I couldn’t shake it off of my finger! Other times I’ll have huge spiders crawling on me!

Angel Demon said 10 years, 4 months ago:

It feels like some sort of relevance to a situation you are either caught up in or repetitively drawn to, whether it be a friend whom initiates this or you, which doesn’t feel comfortable to you, whether the discomfort be subconscious or conscious. If you get this dream often, examine the people you live with or the people you are commonly around, and look for a feeling of unsettledness. I feel that this will help uncover the root as to why these dreams are recurring to you.