Auspexel said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I’m always lusting several girls at the same time, never letting my feelings out so I never actually grab anyone’s interest. I keep all this obsession to myself and I lose lots of time chasing girls to no avail.
I’m 17 and I feel like I’ve wasted my life in this relationship model.
I want to focus on my life, doing real work instead of craving passionate faces and actually getting the guts to consolidate a relationship.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Swifting said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Well; at 17 your brain isn’t done developing and likely the women you’re pursuing aren’t either. The chance of forming a lasting relationship drastically plummets until you’re at least 24.

I think it would be important enough to focus on forming friendships. A friendship is a foundation of all relationships.

mini_beethoven said 9 years, 4 months ago:

It could also depend on the types of girls you are chasing. If you want these lustful thoughts to go away try to form friendships with girls first. If you want a solid relationship, sex is not at the top of the list for things to look for. A great personality and ability to cooperate with someone else is a good way to start looking for better relationships. Find some things you would like in a girl (besides sex) and actually start to find those characteristics in girls. If they don’t add up to what you want then cut them loose.

Auspexel said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I’m not exactly looking for sex as most other girls aren’t and I’m not keen on forming relationships based on sex. I just like having conversations and playing seductive games.
Thus how would I refine my search mechanism in order to only invest in the girls that are worth my chase?

ShadowGX said 9 years, 4 months ago:

It almost sounds like you might need to pinpoint the type of girl you truly want to be with as closely as you possibly can from your current experiences. Right now what I’m seeing from you here is just a general “not based on sex” and “worth my chase”. What’s “worth the chase” to you could be different from another person.

Once you have that part figured out, start observing people closely. It can take some practice as not everyone is good at objectively getting a good idea about someone (especially young males, but not exclusive to them by any means). When someone matches a few of the things you’re looking for and you think you have some things in common with them to provide the conversation aspect you mentioned, then try to get to know them better. I’d suggest just friendly outings at first, not necessarily dates. In short: basically what Swifting said, try to get a friendship going. “Friend zones” can be dangerous apparently, but I’m not equipped to advise on that because I personally prefer guys I’m good friends with over guys I barely know. I don’t understand the logic behind not wanting to be friends with someone you’re in a committed relationship with, but to each their own.

Anyways, you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out since you’re so young yet, so don’t rush yourself. ^^ Really try to solidify what you want, then you can more easily look for it.

Spaceport said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I am 17 and to be specific enough
1.Express yourself to the girl u like the most…
girls love these qualities and if you are calm enough you won’t have a problem+ you have a lot of time!!!

-Sincerely from a friendzoned good guy