KaylaLynn89 said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Hey everyone, my name is Kayla. I grew up with a mom that never wanted to push religion on me, she had religion of Jehovah’s Witness shoved down her throat and she didn’t want to be pushed to think one way or another, she believes in God but she said she wanted to find what was right for her. I have decided the same, but at 24, I feel almost childish by asking anyone questions about the bible and how to follow what’s going on in what order. I literally know nothing of anything when it comes to religion and I want to. I have reached out to others , like friends from high school but they all have just laughed when they ask me if I know what the last supper was or what is significant about Christmas. I am so curious about everything but the bible is hard for me to understand. I bought “How to Find God,” it helps with asking questions and such to really make you think in situations but still hard to know where to begin. I also bought a student bible that has maps and even a glossary which helps a lot it’s just the intimidation at this point I think that’s getting to me. I don’t know where to begin, it’s so big.

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

i finished it in 2-3 sitting, its not that big.
The old testament is like a kids book. Whereas the new is all about blind faith and jesus era stuff. Then levithians is another story vision. Id skip the psalms and parables.
Ps im not even into my religion, infact i think its obsolete, surely a book cant be that intimidating if youre into the religion..

Vivid Melody said 10 years, 4 months ago:

You could start from the beginning or you could start from the new testament. Personally I think it’s easier to start from the beginning and work your way through. I’ve found this website helpful – http://www.gotquestions.org/. Just keep in mind it is a spiritual book and meant to be viewed through that lens. I think it’s still important to ask God questions if you are struggling in understanding. Just try to read a few chapters a day.

Here’s another book you might find helpful:


I’ve never read it but seems like the sort of book you’re looking for. I’m sure there’s plenty of other books out there that would be helpful for such an occasion.

Still, take those things with a grain of salt as not one person has all the answers. Decide for yourself what you think about it.

Oh and you’re not childish. Just ignore your friends. And I think it’s kind that your mom didn’t shove anything down your throat. It’s always best to learn these things for yourself and make your own choice so it’s genuine.

hii’mbored said 10 years, 4 months ago:

blackdog said 10 years, 3 months ago:

The place to start is II Samuel. Then a selection of Psalms. II Samuel tells the story of King David and a lot of the Psalms are David the man working through some of the painful stories about David the Warrior King. There are people who read Psalms not to feel closer to God — though these people are usually very religious — but to feel closer to David, because he wrote for the full range of human emotion.

Then read revelation because it’s cool.

Sam said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I’m not religious myself but I was raised in a very Catholic family. The first thing you should know is almost everyone who is religious doesnt know the bible word for word by any stretch. Most people know basic ideas such as the 10 commandments, they understand the sacrifices(communion, marriage,etc) on a basic level, and know the famous stories and passages pretty well. While some people can, i have never actually met someone, save a priest or nun, who can actually quote the bible from memory. It is amazing that you want to learn, but dont feel pressured to know everything! It is by know means necessary to be part of the community and if your friends make fun of you for not knowing somethings I really dont understand where they’re coming from. Even after going through Catholic school for over 12 years there is still many many things I didnt understand.

Some people can read the Bible and understand, but I sure was never that person. There are tons of books and online resources that help you interpret specific passages or basic ideas if that is what you’re looking for. I studied many religions over during uni and I found that the best way to get a good insight into religion is through cool documentaries and by reading books and histories of the religion. Plus those are pretty interesting as well.

If you want to learn a lot though, the best resource is people themselves. I can’t think of a priest or nun that would be unwilling to help you. You could ask them specific questions or ask them for recommendations for resources as well. I know plenty that email as well, so a face to face meeting is by no means necessary. While they can be intimidating, youth groups can be awesome and almost everyone is extremely accepting to newcomers and you can learn a lot through group discussion, which you by no means have to participate or know anything about.

While some of your friends seem not so welcoming to you, I know many many people who are more than willing to talk to people and explain their religion. If you look i’m sure you can find a friend who is kind and helpful for answering your questions.

Sorry this was so long!!! And although I;m no longer practicing I’m still part of the community and can probably answer questions if you like!

katiepie said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I really highly recommend this copy of the bible to you:


If you’re comfortable sharing a mailing address I’ll even buy a copy for you.

It writes the bible in a vernacular of today. It’s still sometimes weird to read, but I gotta tell you. Reading it in this fashion, still exactly the same messages and stories with some of it abridged, is so nice. It makes the emotion of the bible much clearer, much more simplified for a younger audience, and more comfortable to read. It’s just a retelling in different words, but it is amazing, and fun to read. For someone who hasn’t read the bible, this, with a study bible for young audiences, is the way to go.

I understand you’re feelings, I was a christian like this to begin with too, and the bible was hard to dive into. This version and my study bible helped me alot.

Cassidy said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Don’t try to read the whole Bible in a couple sittings. The Bible is really deep, and reading the whole thing in a week won’t help anything. Try starting in the New Testament if you’re interested, because it has the “Christmas Story”, and the Last Supper in it. You can also just go to a church, depending on what religion you’re interested in. I’m so glad you are, though ^-^. Go to a preacher/priest if you have questions. They won’t make fun of you and they’ll answer them perfectly! God bless!

Jewish Carpenter said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I love Galations. I love pretty much of all Paul’s writings. I’ve also heard that John is the best book in the new testament to start on for a believer who wants to get in God’s Word. So, I’d say start from the Gospels, (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) and work your way to the end until Revelations. Don’t read Revelations yet, get into Psalms and Proverbs, amazing works by an amazing author.

Amethyst Heart said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I would start with the New Testament if I were you. As Christians, followers of Christ, that is mainly what we focus on because it contains Jesus Christ’s story. Once you read that, you will have a general idea of what Christians believe. Eventually, you can expand your readings to anywhere in the Bible. It’s just that some of the books in the Old Testament can be tiresome to read, and so it might discourage new Christians from reading any further.

But take it slow! No need to rush through the Bible. Take your time and absorb all this new information, for it can be a quite a lot to take in. Hopefully your intimidation turns to motivation.

Lastly, I am so happy for you! It feels me with great joy to know you’re about to stumble upon God’s loving grace. Jesus has been ready to pour his love and forgiveness into you, all you need to do is accept it. Keep asking questions and you will find answers, I promise. ;)

NoblePebble said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I recommend Joyce Meyer 3030 Challenge. She gives you a Bible verse or scripture for you to study every 30 minutes for 30 days. She gives you tips on where to start reading the Bible on how to meditate on it.


Ladynell4god said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Your mother was great to not shove religion down your throat: I know how strong the Jehovah Witness faith can be, by the encounters i experienced. Over the years, I am learning to be open and slow to speak and quick to lean an ear, when it comes to God’s word. Although my children have to respect the environment they are being raised in (Christianity) I can’t make them serve or live for God: it’s their choice. All i can do is teach and guide them down the path of righteousness. Now just because someone can quote every scripture in the bible, doesn’t mean they live by the bible or God’s word. Getting bible dictionaries and commentaries can help explain the bible. Don’t worry about what others say, there will be many who will make fun of you: they did it to Jesus, they will do it to those of us to love and believe in God, his word. Sometimes it might help to attend bible study youth groups that helps explain the bible on your level of understanding. I love churches that have children and youth ministries. When you want to start reading the bible, starting at the beginning can be helpful, but try reading scriptures that applies to what you are going through. It helps you deal with and what is currently pressuring you or causing troubles for your life. There are plenty of books and of course the internet that will help you understand. You are great, and wonderful. I thank God for your courage and curiosity of wanting to know about a true existing God. May God bless you more, I hope he helps open up your understanding about the bible (his word). May God be with you……

Michael said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Hi, I won’t give you a quick recommendation right here on what to do. Instead I’d like to add you as a friend and converse with you 1 on 1 and teach you what I know, and I’m sure that through your questions and observations you’ll teach me things.

Mina_B said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I wanna tell you what is the bible from my point of view.
The whole bible is a story. This story is about Jesus Christ. Even the old testament. I will tell you how.
In the beginning it tells you about creation and how God created man and how we fall into the first sin. In the following parts, God tries to provide us with understanding of why we need a survivor and how. It is not easy for man newly created to understand the concept of salvation. That is why God provided us with explanations across ages with prophets and rituals done “like sacrificing a lamb for our sins” to understand why Jesus will do this for us and how it will be done. You find David describes in Psalms “they are like songs” how Jesus will be executed as if he was there, same with Isaiah.
Then after the man is ready, Jesus came. After that in the new testament Jesus tries to correct all the misunderstandings that were adopted by us through his teachings. Then the story of how christianity being spread all over the world and letters provide us with further guidance.
At the end, God speaks about when he will come again and how heaven and hell looks like. So that we always remember where we are from and whom we belong to.
I hope I helped :)