bumblebee said 9 years, 7 months ago:

I couldnt agree more with StuckOnLife for the pure fact of stating what God says in his word and doing so unapologetically. Because we as should never have to apologize or soften what God has stated clearly. That being said, I have had gay friends and family members and love em all because they’re not just gay, lesbian, or bi. There’s more to people then just their sexual orientation. You can accept and love the person they are, which is what were called to do reguardless of sexual preferance.

OpenTalk said 9 years, 7 months ago:

Things the bible bans:

-Shaving (leviticus 19:27)
-Cursing (ephesians 5:4)
-Gossip (liciticus 19:16)
-Work on Sundays (exodus 20:8)
-Eating Lobster (leviticus 11:10)
-Eating Pork (leviticus 11:7)
-Wearing different fabrics at once (leviticus 19:19)
-Talking to women on their periods (leviticus 15:20)

If you’re letting the bible, a book written by men thousands of years ago, dictate how you should treat others, I suggest you reassess things.

If you do something immoral it isn’t God or faith you lack; it’s empathy.

Unlikeany said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I just want to clarify that you can not pick and choose individual verses from any holy scripture and follow only that. Does Romans 1:26-27 say homosexuality is a sin? Yes. However if you read Romans 18-32 as a whole you will realize that it is bashing idolatry. This section of the bible is leading up to a very important fact people seem to overlook. Romans 2:1 reads: “2 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” So those who judge are equal to those who sin.

As for early references to sodomites, many people claim these verses are about homosexuality, when in fact they referred to violent rapes. Leviticus verses are not necessarily valid any longer. The New Testament brought word that the moral laws were to still be upheld but the laws of Moses were not. It’s a matter of times change and so do laws, moral laws remain the same while the ceremonial laws can evolve (eating shellfish, divorce, women speaking in church, working on sabbath, etc).
The bible is a book of moral standards and guidelines, it’s all a matter of interpretation. The bottom line is it is never our place to judge another.

Wolfx111 said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I encourage everyone to read this. It’s a link to several paragraphs, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, that deals with homosexuality. when you click on the link, type “homosexuality” in the search box in the upper left hand corner and press enter. Several paragraphs should come up. http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/what-we-believe/catechism/catechism-of-the-catholic-church/epub/index.cfm#

Autumn said 9 years, 3 months ago:

My gay friend asked me if he was going to go to hell and I told him, I have no idea what God’s plan is for you. I don’t believe it’s an automatic go to hell for being gay. God knows your heart ultimately, if you believe in Jesus and accept Him into your life as your Lord and Savior, then I think that’s all that truly matters.