Swifting said 10 years, 11 months ago:


This is fascinating. And, I agree with most of these. My personal favorite is

5. Please understand that “You’re such a nice person! I can’t believe you’re an atheist!” is not a compliment. More importantly, please understand that we understand that. Believe me, every single one of us has considered replying, “And you’re so smart – I can’t believe you’re a Christian!” How about we all agree to not go there?

Odie said 10 years, 10 months ago:

#14 “Stop asking us how we can be moral without God. It’s simple. We’re awake, and we’re not idiots. That’s all it takes to figure out that sharing the planet with so many other people is a lot more pleasant when we also share some basic ideas about acceptable behavior. I don’t like being stabbed; therefore I support laws against stabbing and promise not to stab anyone myself, no matter how much I may feel like doing so. See how easy?”

I disagree. Some people should be stabbable.

Maddie said 10 years, 10 months ago:

My personal favorite, “Speaking of persecuted minorities: Christianity used to be one. Did you fight your way to freedom of faith just so you could treat nonbelievers the same way they used to treat you?”

I can’t remember how many times I’ve said, “I find it funny that the United States was originally founded off a bunch of people escaping persecution for their beliefs. Why is it funny? Oh, because now they’re using their personal beliefs to try and persecute the rights of others.”

That statement is related to the US. But religion was persecuted in the past in many parts of the world. It’s just strange how the bullied turn into the bullies. :s

Lily said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I especially hate it when people assume that because I do not believe their is a soul or being that is God, I am therefore not allowed to have any morals whatsoever that comply with religious scripts. I’m not a religious person, but that doesn’t mean I can’t believe what I deem right

Sentinel said 10 years, 10 months ago:

13 is my person grudge. “Prove there isn’t a god”.

My answer, as formerly spoken by the great Bertrand Russell, “how do you know there isn’t a teapot flying around in space?”

Its called an improvable hypothesis for a very good reason. As another of my heroes said “if it can be asserted without evidence, it can be dismissed without evidence”

Deleted User said 10 years, 9 months ago:

My wish is to be rich and relaxed…

By being wealthy I can pretty much do whatever I want …
By being relaxed I can say that I am genuinely a happy person … happy!

That’s on my wish list (and we all know what wishes are … :-( ( )

precious_passenger said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Number 10 is just speaking to me.
I also didn’t know about the second one and kept capitalizing the word atheist just to show that I think it is an option just as any other things people believe in. Well , Oops!