The Curious One said 9 years, 9 months ago:

So i just finished editing a novel i wrote last November and i had been working on that pretty much every day and now i don’ have anything to write because i told myself i was going to take a little break before starting anything new and it is really weird how much i miss getting to write everyday, anyone else had almost like writing withdraw symptoms?

Angel Demon said 9 years, 9 months ago:

It’s essentially the same as removing a person’s main focus or source of mental nourishment. Writing helps the mind to expand, and after being so used to getting into writing mode, it feels strange. Much like when you wear an item for so long and then remove it, you feel naked without it, especially with head items in particular (In my experience anyways). A break may not be necessary, perhaps you could do some minor projects or simply allow your imagination to take you to new places, such as in freelance writing without a main goal or focus.