Hyrulanator said 10 years, 8 months ago:

@Paul i really enjoyed Mondaiji so i might check that out.

Deleted User said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Yeah I also think that (although it does sound funny :P ) Anime teaches you a lot about life! Like… Fullmetal Alchemist (did I mention that I freakin’ love… oh. K. :D ). That stuff should be a MANDATORY thing for the entire MANKIND to WATCH IT and get it and LEARN FROM IT, seriously :) !!!

Man I don’t even know where to start :) ! Like…
1) All that “One is all and all is one”-thing and the philosophic stuff about it
2) It’s all about GO FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS RIGHT and don’t stop trying, no matter what and DO IT and keep going and GAAAAAHHH I LOVE IT!! :D
3) And it’s like NOTHING’S ever only black or white. Even Scar has his reasons and they’re understandable in a way… and when a war’s going on, EVERYONE screws things up and there aren’t the “good guys” and the “bad guys”
4) OMG and the CHARACTERS!! Like… ROY :) . Freakin’ cool on the one hand but sooooo full of PTSD and guilt and dunno what on the other hand… and so you really get a deeper insight into that kind of stuff, just by thinking about him or whatever! :)

And so, Anime just makes me go “Yes, yesss, YESSSS!” in every possible way. :D

issamint said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Oh I love anime so much it has a big place in my heart. I get down and depressed a lot and there’s not always someone to talk to, so when I watch my favorite anime it makes me laugh and think about more important things but overall it just makes me happy. so much sometimes I forget what i was so sad about in the first place. Anime is my special medicine.:)

-Repeating.Gunshot- said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I’ve watched so many animes I can’t even count them anymore, I’ve been watching them for over 3 years now.

What it did to me? It mostly wasted my time.
and other made me feel worse since it almost ends happily in every anime. BUT it’s fun watching it, so I can’t stop doing that. I love the stories and the dramatic/ romantic moments!

hinaggik said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Hey, I’m new here, and the title of topic sounded nice to me. To be honest I don’t see so many animes these days as I did before(about 5 years or more) but I just wanted to see which kind of animes you like.

In those days when I saw animes, there used to be communities which were really close but fine for me. Nowadays though, at least in Japan, we actually have enormous variety of animes in a year(or shorter) so I can’t follow up. There still exist communities like that where guys can, kind of, enjoy, but not as lasting as before.

Now I came to know I’ve grown up so far…

Event said 10 years, 6 months ago:

it gave me inspiration
i have been writing for a while now and i found out my inspirations comes mostly from anime

ale_chan94 said 10 years, 5 months ago:

It made me into the weird geeky girl i am today…in which i’m proud of. Actually it also made me understand the depth of human emotion I don’t encounter on a daily basis in life. My japanese vocabulary improved from sayonara to itadikamasu and ano along with other delightful words :3

Deleted User said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Anime helped me through my good and bad times. It’s what pulled at my heart and showed me empathy and sympathy towards other’s feelings. It showed me how to love and forgive no matter how much pain someone’s caused you. And overall it proved to me that no matter how broken or damaged you are, you can always fight through it and smile. To stay true to your word and to trust in other’s even when you feel like neither party deserves it. It helped me learn Japanese and jokes to laugh with my dorky Otaku friends. It helped make who I am today!

Deleted User said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Anime had been there to heal me and keep me safe and away from reality. Through the cold harsh storms of life, anime has become my sun. The happy settings, the wonderful stories, and the endless feelings of euphoria, all I have felt from watching anime.

Anime practically saved my life.

FallenHearts said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Anime is beautiful. I love the plot and the hidden meanings behind most concepts. I love the darkness, challenges, and fights. Anime basically helps you escape reality into a new world where anything is possible. I know it is probably the same for some cartoons, but Japanese anime is something deeper then that. The illustrator took the time to draw most anime’s, while in cartoons the drawings are sloppy.
Oh how I dream I can draw like it, or create something like it. My friend can, perfectly too!

Favourite anime’s; One Piece, Log horizon, Death note; etc.

Ari Chewy said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I love answering this question, ahaha :D

Personally, anime for me has helped me become a completely different person really. It’s helped me find a passion and a purpose to live for. I really want to live in Japan and get a job there, so I refuse to give up on life before then!
Naruto was the first anime I watched and really got into and it remains my favourite anime to today. Naruto was really my main inspiration as I was young and naive when I first idolised him, and I wanted to be just like Naruto :P
So I really started to try and become happier and friendlier and more outgoing, and I finally came out of my shell a few years ago :) So that was really exciting!
Naruto has made the biggest impact on my life :3
I’ve never been so passionate about something like anime, manga and Japan, so I have to thank anime for giving me a solid goal and purpose to strive for C:

LivvehSaurus said 10 years, 2 months ago:

When I first begun watching anime it was unusual as I had never heard Japanese before. After 3-4 years of watching anime it inspired me to draw manga. Now I have fallen into a world of manga/anime and it makes me look forward to watching new episodes of different animes.

From watching anime too much I have got carried away and think at random times that I am in an anime and try to be ‘kawaii’ or speak japanese. I have got to admit that it is embarrassing when my friends dont understand anime and never watch it but hopefully people who watch it alot are the same to?;o I hope ^w^ Thank god anime was invented!:3

CardiacLiberty said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Anime has a romanticised depiction of life that goes with it, and it kinda makes me both sad and happy at the same time. Happy because it’s a place where I could escape to in times of despair… and sad because it’s fictional. Sigh.

I mean, just look at anime characters. They’re happy-go-lucky optimists whose lives are filled with moe and cutesy stuff, and they celebrate idealistic values like friendship, courage, and honor. Who wouldn’t want to live in such a fine world like that?

S said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Anime taught me how to be human. I’m actually not exaggerating. I was so clueless before.

Payton said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Anime has always encouraged me to be the best I can possibly be, try my best. ( Pokemon)
To no matter what, always chase my dreams & you’re never born into this world to be alone (One Piece)
And that just because you come from a dark beginning doesn’t mean you can’t do good (Trigun)