would you throw away your ex’s love letters,cards, and photos?


That was 5yrs relationship that ended a year ago. She’s in a relationship right now, I’m single and had moved on. And I dont feel keeping our stuff anymore. Is it okay if i throw them away? If so, would I let her know that I did?or should I ask her first? please help.

Category: Tags: asked September 15, 2014

9 Answers

Hi Ira! Personally, I think you should keep them in a box of bittersweet memories that taught you a lesson. To let her know or not is completely up to you. Cheers!
Hi Rafi! Thanks for the advice. The thing is, I also have the letters and the cards that I gave to her. We tried to hide our relationship so she had me keep them for her. Isn't that funny? lol
i would say, that if you are truly over her, then you must decide for yourself. If you feel like throwing them out, do it. If you're not truly over her, you should probably hide them in some way so you don't bring up feelings all the time.don't think about what she will think. It's understandable that someone throws away stuff like that
I would put them in a box, and stuff them somewhere out of the way, like an attic for a couple of years, and then reevaluate. 20, 30, 40 years from now, would you like having a memory of a nice moment, like a picture? Who knows. But, definitely, don't look at them. Too soon.
Hi, I think you should git rid of them. There really isn't any reason to hold on to the past. How would your future partner feel seeing your ex's pictures and love letters to you? I don't think you should ask her permission. Do what makes you feel better. She has moved on, now it's your turn.
I burned them. It was a good way for me to come to terms with it being over and move on. However, it's definitely different for everybody, so make sure you do what you think is best for you.
Do whatever you think is most beneficial for you! You could always ask her if she would like anything before you got rid of it, if that's what you think is best. Personally I do get rid of this stuff after a while, especially if I was hurt. I wouldn't want to keep something that will remind me of that. BUT if you two are on good terms, and had good memories you would like to remember later on, it's not wrong to keep them.
Do whatever you think would help you! If you've moved on and begin a relationship with someone else, that may cause problems, but it also may not. I f you want to get rid of her things, go ahead, but only do it if you want to. If you do get rid of them, don't tell her, though. It could make her feel bad. Best of luck!
thank you guys for all of your advice. I think the reason why I'm feeling this is because I've accepted everything that had happened, I've moved on and also I"m falling for this beautiful and amazing girl. But anyway, I'll just think about it. Not so sure yet. Thanks again!