will anyone ever love me?


I`m 14 years old, I`m a fit musican/artist. I`m kind to everyone. why can`t I get a date?

Category: asked December 16, 2013

3 Answers

Dude, you are 14. Why not focus on your music instead of relationships? I can guarantee that there is no need for a partner right now. I was where you are too. Im an accomplished musician, and I didn't find someone until I turned 19. I'm 27 now, and I took all those years not worrying about a partner to improve my skills. Just relax, and don't worry about love at 14.
You are so young and have so much ahead of you. Don't worry about trying to find someone now. You have all of high school and even college to worry about that. If you focus all your attention on your relationships you're just going to end up disappointing yourself because all you are doing is looking and hoping that something happens now. Trust me, just let it be and life will make its way to you with someone perfect.
You shouldn't be looking for a relationship right now, but you most definitely find someone, i promise you.