why would his parents say this?


I’m wondering what I can do in this perplexing situation with my boyfriend’s parents

He went by to eat with them today, and in an off hand way, mentioned him and I are dating. They freaked out. They told him he hsd to leave me, and that if he didn’t, they wouldn’t help him with his new apartment

Mind you, him and I are both over 18. ( I’m almost 20, he’s 23)He doesn’t live with his parents. I’ve met them before,and they admitted to liking me. They help b him out from time to time, but don’t particularly care for hin, because he isn’t his sister.

My boyfriend and I have decided to not break up with each other, just hide the fact we’re dating ,until he moves on New Year’s Day, because he’s helping me move in with him on my birthday .

I have never disrespected his parents, so why would they tell him this?

Category: Tags: asked December 16, 2014

2 Answers

It's confusing why they would say that, especially if they said in an earlier situation that they like you. Did you ask them why they said that? They must have a reason. It could be that they said before that they like you because they were trying to be kind, but that now they know you're dating their son they might be viewing it differently. I can't give you a solid answer to this. Maybe your boyfriend should ask them why they are against it. Though, you're both adults and free to choose whether you go live together or not. His parents should support him in his choices.
I've been here. My fiance's mum told him she liked me so much more than his ex's but when we moved out she said (shouted really) that I would stop him from seeing them and how I'm a horrible person. She shouted that at him while I was upstairs and didn't realise I could hear every word. Then she bitched about us moving in together on facebook.We get on so much better and all that happened just over 6 months ago. I decided to be the better person and show her how she was wrong. I've been nothing but polite and helpful. There's no point fighting with his parents because it will only make things worse. You live your own lives and show them it's not a mistake. Make sure they stay involved in your boyfriend's life too, otherwise they'll resent you for replacing them.