Why would he even treat me like that?


I have hopelessly fallen in love with my Maths teacher. He has left, and i never got to say goodbye. Now i’m just stuck with why did he treat the way he did? HELP
I mean it wasn’t sexual, but.. Like for example, he saw me walking up the street, and he just waited until i came in line with him on the other side of the road and he walked over (after waiting?) and we just started talking, he looked as though he might have been crying before or possibly stoned.. His eyes were red?? He asked questions like did you enjoy today? And like were are you going? And when two of my friends walked past us he kind of backed off and like almost tried to avoid being seen by them, though we were between two cars in the car park.. He said if i wanted to we could like plan school stuff, together. He kept like saying “me and you” “Just us together” SO BLOODY FRUSTRATED.

Category: Tags: asked October 23, 2013

6 Answers

I think you were seeing things that weren't really there. I'm in the same boat, I've had many crushes on teachers. I've been dealing with one for almost two years now and it's awful. The thing is though is that life isn't a Pretty Little Liars episode. Teachers are just nice (the good ones anyway), it doesn't mean they're romantically interested in you. It's really unlikely a teacher would be interested in you. I'm sorry if this is coming off too harsh, but this is the reality and I'm trying to be gentle. I know how much it sucks. "Me and you" sounds very romantic when it comes from the mouth of someone we love, but people use it all the time. I'm sorry you were left with no answers but it's really best you move on.
I'm sorry you are so upset! I would be, too. The thing is, these people are right, and there's no way to know now what he felt or why he talked to you like that. The fact is, he went away. You can choose to think it didn't have anything to do with you or that he did it for the best, but the thing is, he is gone. Now it's your turn to let go. Regardless of his feelings for you, your feelings were real and you can be as heartbroken as confused as you want. Start thinking about moving on, though, and spending your energy on people you can actually be with. I wish you the best!
So your question is why did he treat you so nicely?

We can at least tell that he enjoyed your company.

But I don't think we can make any other assumptions, for certain, on why he seemed so affection toward you.
How will we ever know for sure?

I'm sorry you lost someone you liked so much. It's hard, I know.
But we had some sort of chemistry so to speak. I'm not sure what it meant, but he told me about how he feels he will never settle down properly, that he's very tired and can sleep till early hours. Ugh
I'm sorry but the chemistry was probably one sided. You two sounded like you had a good bond, a good student-teacher friendship, that's probably why he opened up to you. It was kind of unprofessional for him to talk to you about his personal life, but teachers are only human and they get stressed out and upset and need to vent too. I know it's hard, but you need to accept the reality and move on. There's no use in dwelling on the past, especially on things that didn't really happen, because you will just being using up time and energy you could be spending on other people in your life, like friends and family, and eventually, a special other.
Ugh. Thank you all.