Why is my life the way it is?


I am probably one of the most decent guys, never wronged anyone, never intentionally hurt anyone,have always been that nice guy and yet, even today I am one of the most loneliest people on the planet. I know I’m not alone, there are people like me. But know what, each time I like someone, each time I think maybe I’m normal, I understand that I’m not. I have no real friends, tha girls I spent my feelings on turned out to be just foolin around with me, and left me after a couple of days, and the people I ever liked never cared much. It’s not tht I’m ugly, it’s not that I am indecent,or unfriendly. Inspite of being the way I am, everybody already has a well connected network of friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, social circles,while I have none. I’ve grown up with a lot of insecurity because of family issues, I’ve always been extremely lonely, sometimes I even felt like putting an end to my lonely life, and yet I knew I didn’t want to die. I know maybe nothing good would happen, but still I live. But I live alone, no girl would ever want to be with me, atleast not the ones I like, because everybody has somebody already, while I have nobody. Why are some people’s lives so weird,while others smile and re hppy, and they have friends, they have their soulmates, they’re not lonely!

Category: asked July 21, 2014

5 Answers

'no girl would ever want to be with me'.
Hi The Runaway Kid, I have a feeling my aforementioned quote leads the the root of all your problems, you're seriously lacking in self esteem. But the difference in changing that can only be made by yourself. You might have never wronged anyone, never intentionally hurt anyone, this is besides the point. YOU need to start focusing on the positive things you are/can be rather than the negative things you're not.
Take a step back and look at your life and the things you want to change, because unless you are happy and can start appreciating and loving yourself for the amazing things you already know you are, you can never expect anyone else to do the same.
Maybe you'd feel better if you stopped comparing yourself to others? Their lives seem really great and full of good friends, but they're probably not perfect - no one's ever is. Maybe you're also naturally an introvert and don't need a ton of friends.
It's totally normal to be like this, really. As a girl, I can tell a nice guy from a douchey guy, and you seem like a very nice guy. You need to have some more faith in yourself. Have some confidence, that's the best quality in a guy (but make sure you don't turn too cocky). You're soulmate will come, and maybe you've already out there. It's okay to be the way you are, and it's okay to be out there and make tons of friends. It's all up to you. Have confidence, smile, put yourself out there, and be patient, and your cure to loneliness will come to you, I promise.

Feel free to message me if you need anything! :)
i feel the same way. never did anything to anybody and stil get shit on. hhaha ugh haaahha
It's not just you who is facing this problem,many end up facing this in their life,living alone doesn't mean you are unqualified to find anyone but its just that you haven't found the perfect other half...Not all girls are same and I believe you can wait for finding the right one,the heartbreak is ripping if she is a wrong choice..Start by being more confident and do not compare yourself with others,you are good and better the way you are..