why he doesn’t love me back? I am depressed.


I am a 18 year old girl. and I fall in love with a guy from the very first day I saw him. then I tried to know if he has a girl friend. I told my friend to send him a request on facebook. and talk to him and try to know that if he loves me or not. she sent him a request and he accepted the friend request. and they began to talk. first time when she asked him if he has a girl friend then he told no. second time when she asked again he told yes. and she asked her name and he told a name which is ofcourse not mine. his father is a good friend of my father. so we meet sometimes but I can not talk to him because my father and mother always be there. but I notice his attitude and I guessed he like me. but when I sent him a friend request he accepted but later he deleted me. again I sent a request but he not accepted my request. now I don’t know what to say but I can’t understand what is going on his mind. I can’t tell him that I love him because if he doesn’t love me then he will tell my mom and my mom will cut me into pieces. I am depressed. and it’s not an infatuation it’s true love. how to get him? I can’t concentrate in my studies. I want to get him. how to get him?

Category: asked August 23, 2014

2 Answers

Oh Hun, Please remember nothing is EVER worth being depressed for. :) Sometimes, we mistake a small crush, for a true love. (Happens all the time. Right?:)) Besides, you are still 18; you have your whole future waiting for you, so keep moving towards it. :) After all what happened on Facebook; I would not go ahead and ask him, but that's your choice. I do believe that someday you will look back and laugh at this, so stay positive Hun.
This is a bit of a tough one I'm afraid. But the best thing you can do is to ask him to face. I know it can take a lot of guts, but if you ask him head on, he's got no choice but to answer your questions.I know you say you don't want to speak to him in front of your parents, but the truth is, everyone falls in love with someone. You're 18, you have a life of your own, don't be afraid to take a step and live a little. Ask yourself, 'What would I do if I weren't afraid?' then go do it.I suggest asking him if he 'like' likes you. Or say, 'Are we/can we be friends?'I know what it's like to almost constantly have someone on your mind. Don't worry, it's okay. He may not be the right one for you, but if he is it'll all work out okay. Have patience. Work for what you want and you'll get it, it's okay. Patience, friend.I believe he needs to know how you feel, and if he's a jackass and you can't trust him, you're too good for him. But remember, boys aren't everything. You've already got people who love you.Stay strong, you got this. x