Why doesn’t being treated like shit by a man bother me?


I’ve been dragged on the floor, kicked, criticised, had my business told to his friends, pressured to do stuff, but I still like him…he was never my boyfriend by the way and he cut me out of his life but I miss him..

asked April 11, 2015

2 Answers

"Because we accept the love we think we deserve" -the Perks of being a Wallflower, and also because your an idiot :) but mostly because people are lonely and think its better to be with someone atleast around them and their, no matter how terrible they actually are then be alone. But the craziest thing is I find its much more lonely to be with someone who no matter how much you love them will not only never love you back, but resent you for it. For the record, your going to get through this, :) and you will see how your so much better off. You dont need to be in an abusive setting, you deserve so much better, you deserve to not be a statistic, or worry about your life, you deserve happiness and you deserve it from others, but in order to get that you have to love yourself first. Lonely you dont love yourself, or you wouldn't remissness about such a terrible person, but first you have to ask why? Why and when did I go wrong, and then you have to rebuild yourself. I believe in you and for the record everything fades, especially pain, but love stays. Please get better :)
I am in no way an expert in the matter, only someone with an interest in psychology and how people work and of course helping people.

So with that in mind, from what I've gathered from what you described and everything I've stumbled upon and read and discovered on this subject I'd like to offer one point of view.

Of course, emotions aren't an exact science. People react differently to different situations and no one person experience them the same way. And there is no one who can tell you that what you're feeling is right or wrong, only you know what you feel.

But one thing that people who are or have been in an abusive relationship have in common, is a low self-esteem or sometimes even lack of it and in need of validation from whoever will give it to them. And love, everyone want's to feel loved, but sometimes you look for it in the wrong place because you think that you can't do better or deserve to. Of course, I don't know the whole story of what went down. Maybe he started out good, maybe he was in a bad place and decided to take things out on you.

Like I said, no one can judge you for your feelings. It's not wrong to wish for someone to change, to maybe hold on to the belief that things will be different. But it's not very realistic either. Maybe it's not him that you're missing, but the relationship itself, or rather how it could have been.

One last thing, as hard as it is, you should try and focus on the present, the future. Make yourself and your wellbeing the first priority. Accept support from your friends and family. And maybe you don't realize it yet, maybe you won't for a while until you're in a healthy relationship, but perhaps this was for the best, because it is.