Why do I want a kid so badly?


I’m only 17 but I’ve wanted a kid since I was14. I’m always so happy when I think about what it’ll be like to have a kid. I am engaged to the man of my dream and though he has a pretty good job I still need to finish school and we need to move out of his families house, so I know we’re not ready, but I still can’t help but want one SO badly. Is there something wrong with me?

Category: Tags: asked May 15, 2014

7 Answers

There's nothing wrong with wanting kids. I think you just want someone in your life who needs you to take care of them, it's a common thing a lot of people want. I go through the same feeling a lot of the time. Do you also like taking care of people when their sick? It's the same thing, really. You want someone who NEEDS you, someone who can't do anything without you. It's actually a really common emotion.
nothing is wrong with you! we are women, we are made to have children! any child will be lucky to have you as a mom because girls like you are the ones who actually WANT to be a parent. BUT you are EXTREMELY young! i became a mother of 2 by the age of 20 and let me tell you there is no rush.. i have lots of support from family but i still dont feel comfortable leaving my kids with relatives so i can go out. having a kid is a lot different than being around them. your life will be all for your child from the minute they are born and your needs will matter AFTER your childs needs. maybe consider babysitting ? ask parents around your neighborhood or even relatives.as a young mother I will tell any one... make sure you live your life do everything you want to do.. have fun, make great memories because once you have a baby you will live for them and them only!
I never really understood why young woman always want to have kids early why the rush?. I am 23 years old kids are the last thing on my mind not because I am a man because I care right now about a job and having fun. I hope you choose to have kids later
The desire for a child could be because you really want to be a mother, to share that love with another. It could also be because you have low self esteem, and by having a child, you will have someone to love you unconditionally for the first time in your life. I can't say which of these are the case for you (or even some other reason), I'm just presenting you with possibilities to examine for yourself. But there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting a child.
I am a 22 year old male college student with a going after a double major in Operations Management and HR Management. I have wanted a child (daughter specifically, but obviously happy with either or) since I was in 8th grade. I have no specific reason or explanation other than I feel like I'm not living a complete life without a child. When I was young I had a lot of young cousins that I always had to look after. When I was 19 I dated a girl who I was very in love with, but she moved home to Australia (I'm from Chicago): passed away several months ago and I found out that when she was moving she was pregnant but never told me because at the time she wanted me to go with her and I said no, so she never told me about the pregnancy and ended up getting an abortion. I just found this out several months ago, and now seeing this post too, it's like everyday that passes I long for a child even more. Granted I'm 22 and finishing up college and entering the working world and stereotypically closer to the age where people start having kids, I don't think there is anything wrong with wanted a child at 17. As long as the desire is strong and pure and that the child will be held above everything else in your life, then age doesn't really matter in my mind as long as the kid is loved wholesomely. Perhaps I'm bias, but I feel that no matter the circumstances, if you truly want a kid, and you're ready for your life to revolve around that kid and give it everything it needs, then there is nothing wrong with you. I would definitely figure out your living situation, figure out your income, and plan ahead to try and assure that the future will be alright for the child. But definitely wait until you're settled in a stable environment. I hope this helped.
Nothing wrong with you. They call it baby fever ;) Besides, you have a plan in place and sound very responsible so nothing to worry about. Lots of women (and men) dream about that sort of stuff just like they dream about their future mate.
Thank you all for the advice. It's really nice to know that I'm not alone.