Why do I find it so hard to talk to people?


I joined this website because I thought it would be a good idea to have somewhere I could go for advice and that it would be nice to be available for people to vent to but when I tried to connect to someone as a listener I immediately panicked and closed the window before it could connect me to someone. I knew this would probably happen because I’ve tried going on omegle.com several times before (which, even though it’s not used for the same reasons, is a similar set up) with the same result, however I tried just the same and thought that maybe I could be brave and get over it but it was like I smacked into a big wall that just said No and immediately had to turn around and go back. I just felt so pathetic because it’s not like having to have a conversation face to face with someone important but talking anonymously to strangers over the internet but I couldn’t do it.

Even trying to post this is hard. I’ve been thinking it over and being nervous about it all day and I think probably the only reason I’ll manage to post it is that I can go over carefully what I’m saying as much as I want and there’s no pressure to reply quickly or at all.

What is wrong with me?

Tags: asked August 15, 2013

2 Answers

Is it possible that you suffer from social anxiety? It isn't rare, many people have anxiety of talking to other people, or being in social situations.
The person above you is right. It could be a form of social anxiety. Are you able to go to your doctor and discussing it with them? Maybe medication or therapy is something you would want to look in to.
If you learn positive coping mechanisms, anxiety can be very manageable.