why do i feel like you dont really want me here anymore?


I just feel like my girlfriend is pushing me away so much and I don’t know what to do

Category: Tags: asked August 13, 2013

3 Answers

Well this could be for many reasons. perhaps you have done something to wound her trust in you? or maybe she is going through a hard time and may need your help. it could be many things but what you should do is talk to her about it. Confront her about this feeling and see what she says :)
Ask her if she's just lost interest in you, because who knows how long people interested in each other for.
Maybe things are okay, and she hasn't noticed that she's drifting away from you. Try and talk to her about it, & if she really is pulling away from you, find out why. If she won't work with you at all the relationship isn't worth it.