Why do I feel this way. Its annoying and I need advice.


Ok. SO I am really hard on myself and I have been dealing with a breakup- it was a long term serious relationship. First of all I am annoyed at myself for still having these feeling because the breakup was almost a year ago! I am over everything romantic with my ex. I just cant get over the person who I thought he was and I really cant get over the fact that he blantantly lied to me. I thought he was this great person but he isnt that person at all. He is almost the complete opposite. Im so hard on myself and I take the fact that he lied to me and is such a hypocrite personally. I take it as an insult to my intelligence and I feel embaressed about it. I dont know how to cope with this. I just was hoping I could get some kind of advice or someone has gone through this before too.

Category: Tags: asked December 5, 2013

9 Answers

I think you dont have to forgive yourself because you didnt do anything wrong! He came to you for a reason and that is to teach you something. So maybe now you know who not to date, people like him. Or the signs. There's nothing wrong with you. You don't have to forgive yourself, I think the forgiving is to him not you. It's not your fault you gave him chance, it's his fault he didn't change. He was stupid and you deserve better. You don't need to forgive yourself but rather come to terms with what happened and accept that it has happened and there's nothing you can do that will change the past. (unless you got a time machine, if so please pm me. ) Everything happens for a reason. The best come back would be to love yourself and show him how happy and wonderful you are WITHOUT him. You can do it.
I have experience with this same situation. I admit I still have feelings for this guy I broke up with a few months back. The thing is, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. Don't be hard on yourself about that. It has to do with a deep emotional connection. Some connections are stronger than others and they can take months, if not several years to diminish. Sometimes they don't go away. If you're concerned that the feelings will still be there when you decide to be with someone else, I can say for sure that if you connect deeply with somebody else, those feelings will most likely disappear for your ex. Right now you're without that person and you don't know how to handle that connection, so the feelings are still there. I am sorry that he seemed to be something he wasn't. That's a really common issue in relationships, because often times people don't let their walls down until they're entirely comfortable with their partner. I advise you to not try and block out those feelings, allow them as long as you can handle it, but remind yourself that someone much better is out there, and they're looking for you, too.
I know it's hard but you've got to try and understand that none of it was your fault so try not to be hard on yourself for what happened. By the sounds of it what happened was down to him, it was his mistake which caused your relationship to crumble. It can be incredibly hard to put this all behind you and it certainly isn't uncommon, loads of people experience these kind of emotional breakup issues all the time. It's got nothing to do with who you are or your personality or anything you did at all, that's the important thing to realize. In all honesty, you probably won't just get over it anytime soon. It will take time but eventually you will be able to put all this behind you so don't stress out. Just remember, you've got your whole life ahead of you and although you're going through a hard time right now it's not going to last forever. You will be able to put all of this behind you one day, trust me.
I've been there too. It made me feel incredibly stupid. I also tend to be really hard on myself with that kind of stuff so I understand. Just try to learn from it. It probably just happened because you're a trusting person. I'm a very trusting person too. There are draw backs that come with that but it's also a good quality just like any other quality. The guy has problems. Just try to forgive him and yourself and put it in perspective. One day you'll find a genuine person and now you'll know what a liar looks like so you can avoid them in the future.
You need to accept that he was not the person he pretended to be. That guy that made you feel all warm and fuzzy DOES NOT exist...never did. He has no remorse about lying to you or treating you poorly. He never will. He probably is entirely incapable of remorse actually. It's all a game to him. No matter how many times you go over it in your mind, it will not change what is already done. He's a jackass and you should leave him in the dirt where scum like him belongs. Surely he's not worthy of all the time you spend thinking about it....about HIM. I'd say get out there...volunteer...meet new people who deserve a place in your thoughts and your heart because that loser obviously never even deserved to lick the mud off your shoe...let alone have the pleasure of guest appearing in your thoughts daily. Once you look at it that way it should make it easier. Did for me anyway. People only have as much power as the consideration and thought you give them....give him NONE. Boom!
You were guilty of having hope, nothing more and nothing less. You thought maybe somewhere inside of him that good person existed and you gave him a chance to let out his good side. He failed you. It wasn't your fault. You can never truly know another person's mind, Kelly - no amount of intelligence and people-reading skills someone possesses will ever change that. If someone wants to conceal their true nature badly enough, they can. That is not your fault - it's theirs.
Hang in there Kelly. Better days will come. Don't stay in the past. Look ahead and look up. <3
So this is love, and sadly it never leaves you. You can move on but seriously, a girl I loved for around 4 years ago still pops up now and then and the feelings come flooding back. The only way to really move on is to find a better love that completely trumps those previous feelings. I'd suggest basing who you want on the person you thought your ex was, that way he will be easier to fall for for the RIGHT REASONS.
Thanks everyone again for your insight. I feel so much more alive and much better from your alls support. I just wanted to let you all know that everything everyones said has been so helpful :)