Why ?


I have a girlfriend but she said she needed space. And before she said that she wouldn’t talk to me a lot. Why would she have said yes to going out with me if she was gonna need a a lot of space ? If she didn’t want to go out with me ? I don’t undestand. Did I guikt her into going out with me ? If that’s what I did I’m sorry for torturing you…

Category: Tags: asked May 16, 2015

1 Answer

Some people need more time and space to take things slow. Even in relationships, one may require some space at times. This isn't always because of the other one involved. Sometimes one has problems to deal with and just needs space for a bit. If you love someone, let them have space. It's not advised to try to keep that person even closer, because you'll end up suffocating that person. Give her some space to breathe. If she loves you, she'll come around eventually.