What’s the point of life?


I just need to know why i should continue to live when all i get is pain after pain and just constantly being upset?

Category: asked April 20, 2014

3 Answers

You need to start putting yourself in positive situations.....take a walk and just let your mind go wild! It helps! Wake up every morning and decide you are going to put a big smile on your face and don't let anything stop it.....
Whatever it is, it might be hard to see it when your vision is clouded by a relationship that isn't working well, so if you really want to seek it, you might start from clearing the air around you. If your relationship affects you so much, take some time for yourself and seek help.

I like to believe that a day will come when you're happy even though you still get sad sometimes but the happiness will worth living through it. That's the day I live for. I think life is all about finding something worth being alive for. Otherwise it's just pointless.