What to do when you have no direction?


Hello, I was recommended this site by a good friend and I’m hoping this will find me some inspiration to start finding a path. I’m 28 years old, working in a low-paying management position and have only finished freshman year of college, dropping out after being discouraged. I started in psychology, then found a passion for the Japanese language. I was told I can’t get a real job majoring in Japanese, so I dropped out. I am currently only building my management experience to earn more money so I can finally move back out of my parents’ home. But I don’t want to be a manager all my life. I actually really can’t stand the general public and it angers me that my job is based on the ‘customer is always right’ rule. I like things where I can get creative and crafty, but I also enjoy helping people. But I don’t know what I want to do. I’m scared because by now, a lot of people my age have a career, a home and a family. I sometimes feel like I’m still fresh out of high school and it’s extremely depressing. Does anyone else feel this same way? And if you do, how are you trying to figure out where you’re supposed to be? I wish I could magically land a job doing things I love like crafting and costuming, video games and playing with gadgets, but a hobby sometimes is just a hobby and can’t be used for a career. At least that’s what the general public likes to tell you. Does anyone know where to go or who to talk to when you seem like you’re just waiting for nothing?

Category: asked August 1, 2014

2 Answers

Go to a local college or university. Look into courses they have there and look into Mature Student status or Part Time studies. Then you can keep working while really working towards a goal you know you'll enjoy. The councillors in your area schools will know more about what the job market is for certain jobs and can help you figure out where there is a need (so you will get the job) and what possible job options are for you. You obviously want to do something different than what you're doing, and most people change their careers 2-3 times in their lives. I think if you have a specific goal in mind, you can start working towards it. If you don't want to go to schools in your area for the information, you can message me or post more details on your likes/dislikes here. We can give you ideas, but in the end, you need to act on something you feel is right to change what your situation is now.All the best etc.
In your question you have mentioned having a liking for japanese language, helping people, crafting, costuming, video gaming and gadgets- well congratulations because you know what you want to do with your life. At 28 years of age you have figured out your interest. Most people donot figure it out till after retirement and then they realise that they have wasted their entire life. I have met many such people and they have always told me to follow my heart and not care about anyone else. My point here is that you donot need to get depressed over this and should consider yourself better off than others. You have your interests laid out in front of you. All of which can be turned into careers. Now is the time to do some soul searching and think about which career you really want to persue. Take the help of a career counseller who can professionally guide you. You can become video game developer, programmer, animator, video game tester, translator. You can also be a costume designer for a local theater. You can join various charitable organizations with your management experience. Probably going back to college would doyou good in the video gamingcareers but a counseller can tell you that in more detail. Hope everything turns out for the best.