What should I do about him?


So me and this guy Ive know since elementary school, we started dating in our last year of high school and its almost been a year together. But when I was looking back in our memories I never found one memory with him that made me happy, all those dates just made me cry. I remember he always tried to pull some sexual stunt on me and I let him sexually do things just because if I told him to stop he would get bored with me. And I confronted him about everything and my problems with him and we solved our problem, but then another problem came up, whatever he promised he never followed through with it. He didn’t stop sexually using me, I can feel it when he talks that he just says it without it ever meaning anything to him. I can tell he doesn’t care about me. I don’t if he even loves me, he never shows that he actually cared or loved me. He is stuck on video games more then half his day and everyday I always have something to tell him whether its stupid or just exciting I just want to tell him, but, he never listens. When we would facetime he would always be playing games, and telling me to “hold up.” Through this past time he really made it hard for me to love him, and he doesn’t see the things that piss me off. Like how he ignores most of the time now, he’s treating me just like how he treats his mom, and thats not right. He never tells me anything, he does all these secret things that I don’t know of and later I have to find out a week later from a friend. He’s never there for me when I need him and he doesn’t realize how hurt I always am. And I really wanted to break up with him so bad because he doesn’t see how much he hurts me, but the problem is that for so long Ive had so many feelings for him. What if I regret loosing him? Should I even try to fix this relationship again?

Category: Tags: asked November 17, 2013

4 Answers

If you really feel that not a single memory amde you really happy, then I can bet you wouldn't regret loosing him and from what it sounds like he isn't making the effort of trying to make things right between you. You don't sound happy at all in this relationship and if that is the case then you need to do what makes you happy. Personally, that would mean breaking it off. You may feel as though the consequences or feeling of doing that is wrong, but if you aren't as happy as you say and all these things he does do affect you like this, you need to do what will make you happy.
I have to agree with the person above, you deserve someone who will listen to you and view you as more than a sexual object. Your happiness is incredibly important and you deserve to truly be happy. This relationship seems to make you more miserable and frustrated than it should, and seems to be taking a toll on you. There is so much more out there, and you deserve so much better than being treated like that! I wish you the best of luck.
Relationships are about finding someone that makes you happy and vice versa. If your feeling used and not happy it's not worth it. I think it's time to let go
The only feelings it sounds like you have towards him are feelings of resentment. I think you will wind up regretting it more if you stick around. Also, you should never just do sexual things with someone because you're afraid they won't like you any more if you don't. If the person loves and respects you then they will respect your decisions with that. I say let him go.