What are your thoughts on abortion?


I know this question is going to spark a flame but before you get mad at each other, please remember that everyone is entitled to an opinion and please respect each others. My beliefs are my beliefs. We may not have the same beliefs, but don’t fuss at me because I don’t think like you. I believe that abortion is bad, HOWEVER there are times when it is acceptable. Rape is a reason where I would understand a woman getting an abortion. Do I like it? No, but I’m not going to judge her. Now if they’re just getting abortions because they can, that’s when I get aggravated. Put yourself in a woman’s shoes. Let’s say, you’re married to this wonderful man and you two want to have kids. You go to the doctor and find out that you’re both infertile. How would you feel about these careless women aborting their babies? I believe that if they’re going to open their legs, and he’s going to stick it in, they should face the consequences. She should follow through with the pregnancy and give it up for adoption.

Category: Tags: asked September 3, 2015

3 Answers

I feel how michael feels. As someone that may not be able to have kids, i'm really about adoption. It's sad how some kids come until this earth because of their parents mistakes and have it bad. Abortion should be acceptable for victims of rape and selfish naive individuals. If you know you can't afford a child and not even going to put in the efforts to do so, don't have them. I know it'll probably come off as cold hearted but my mom friends always say how they love their kids but wish they would've never had them or waited. It's really the choice of the individual in that situation not their family, friends, or sometimes even the other partner can tell them otherwise.
If you ask me it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. In all cases where the mother's life is at stake, as an example, I think abortion is okay.

I don't particularly consider a fetus a human being but I find it immensely distasteful to use abortion as a plan B contraceptive. But on the other hand, I think it's preferable to destroy one life than potentially two when the child is unwanted. The question if all life deserves a chance is, if you ask me, irrelevant if the scales are rigged beforehand.

In some cases I think it's the best - or rather, least bad - choice. Like you said, cases of rape is a good example. It's inhuman to force a woman (or girl, for the matter) to go through a pregnancy and bringing up a child she didn't have any say in getting, and who is likely to remind her of her trauma every day for the rest of her life. And the child, too, is likely going to feel the strain while growing up - maybe even knowing they're the child of a rapist. The moral dilemma here is quite extensive and can't be solved merely by repeating "all life deserves a chance." Like I said earlier, it's about finding the lesser of two evils.

In the end I don't think it's up to society to decide if it should be okay or not, but rather up to the individual to find out what they believe and to live with their choices. There are countless things that ought to be different but aren't. Even though it may sound disrespectful, I think some people need to grow up and accept that.
Note: Not attacking your opinion here, just giving my opinion on what you mentioned :)

Don't you think that there's too many kids in care already that don't get the attention and love they deserve? Is it really fair to put more kids through that?

Contraception forms are practically abortion, do you think sex should only be used for reproducing and not for anything else?

My opinion is that I think anyone should have the choice whether to have children or not (I mean, we have SO many people in the world already). Personally, I am more likely to adopt than have biological kids, I think it's better to give kids a loving home that are already in the world, not saying I wouldn't have biological kids either but that's just what I would lean towards.

Going back to your reasoning with infertile couples, well, it's not going to change if they can have kids or not if someone else has an abortion is it? They're still going to feel terrible they can't have their own biological children, it makes no difference in the world whether someone else has an abortion or not for them.