What is the point of life?


To think about it, life is just so weird, we’re just some creatures, on some planet, on a thin surface…

And whats the point of life?




I mean I’m probably gonna be a huge fail in life, I have never even had a boyfriend and everyone treats me like crap, my family can barely support me in the future with the money stuff, and no matter how hard I try there’s always SOMEONE who does better than me!!!

Oh and who made those stupid rules of life? You’re basically just studying studying studying then working working working and then your luck plays a role in relationships, jobs, social life blablabla

I’m really unlucky so I feel like I should leave this life, I mean there’s no point in this thing right?

Oh and please do not start with religious talk, It dosen’t help at all.
I don’t think life is precious, you probably just get reborn again and again into this stupid cruel world that gets worse by the years.. I SWEAR YOU’LL PROBABLY HAVE TO PAY FOR OXYGEN IN THE FUTURE OR SOMETHING.

By the way yes I’ve had suicidal thoughts but I’ve never really planned on acting out on them, I mostly just wanna die in my sleep or something, sick of this stupid life, nobody would care anyways, I always get treated like shit!

Category: Tags: asked October 31, 2014

6 Answers

Hi there im like you born and raised in poor family with no or very little support by siblings i had same thoughts as you. But you know what i thought to myself if im only gonna live once i will try my hardest to prove to my family and to myself that im better then this and nothings gonna matter luck, money, skill i will be there by the best because i know that i willing and able to change myself and everyone around me. Life is hard but the good emotions you get when you do something no one even yourself think you could makes you feel alive. New places, new people, new adventures everything is waiting for you. You just dont know it yet and being first of your family to succeed to be different thats what drives me forward. Others say i cant do this that i wont become something but i already did by not choosing the quickiest, easiest way but i choose the hardest and every problem life throws at me i overcome it. Always choose the hardest path and you wont have competitors. Dont look down keep it up dont wait for change BE the change be different be successful good luck :) . (sorry for bad english its not my native tongue)
So whats the point of life? Good Question. There's probably many answers but mines is, "The point of life is living". We're here on this earth now, and that's what counts, so we may as well make the most of it. Whatever situation you were born into, make the most of it. and if you dont like the situation you live in, then be the captain of your own ship and change it. The only way you can make any changes in your life is to study or work. Those are just the laws of the universe. Just as it states in Isaac Newtons 3rd Law of motion, your life will continue moving along as it has been unless you force it to move in another direction. So you too will see the point of living when you have acquired a more positive outlook on life.
Like everybody, you have to find your meaning. We can only tell you that many people once felt like you and now feel differently, so it's worth a shot to see how it goes.
Truth is life sucks. You are forced to grow up a become an adult and work to live a life that you don't really live because you work all the time. Unless you are born in to money or you are some super smart person who makes their own job you will not have time to live life. I've come to the conclusion that we are just here to keep the population going, the cash flowing and to help other people who need help. That is it. You need to live life how you want to live it. No luck is involved, god didn't deal you these "bad cards". You change you life the way you want to and live it.
The meaning of life is to give your life meaning. Nobody can do this for you. It is for you to learn and grow and explore, to take chances and make mistakes, to find a purpose to which you can dedicate yourself.

You worry a great deal about many things, and you will learn that worry so much will only lead to more worrying; because you become so used to worrying that it becomes a habit. If all of your worries were instantly solved right now, you will have been so conditioned to worrying that you will feel like you are doing something wrong because you are not worrying over something.

Think on this.
The point of life is finding yourself once you find yourself you find a purpose life makes sense when you know yourself....I was adopted I can't help that just because I got dealt a bad hand doesn't mean I'm a failure your not defined but who your family is that not relevant to who you are or what you can do.....I'm not trying to be rude or mean but I'll say I don't know my family so should I say I don't know myself....it doesn't make sense....as for the suicide thoughts I've had those due to drug use also by the music I listen to....the point of life isn't to view who you are thru another person...the point of life is to find out what is fascinating to your heart and trying to live it.....I wish I could go more in depth to show you the point of life if you want to message me