What do you do when you’re scared of yourself?


I’ve been having a rough day, nothing new and all.
But, a couple of hours ago, I snapped.
I was just hanging out with my friends when I started to get worked up, you know, angry for no reason at all.
Then, when my friend Al tried to comfort me, asking what was wrong, I got pissy at her.
No reason why, I just didn’t want to deal with her.
But about an hour ago, I actually broke down in tears when another friend of mine asked me what was wrong.
And I swear that I didn’t mean to say it, I had no idea, I just said the first thing that came to mind.
“You ever have a day when you’re just frickin terrified of yourself?”
I’m scared that if I spend any more time around people today, I might do something I regret like rip someone’s head off (figuratively or literally), but I’m in school; I can’t really leave.
What do I do?

Category: Tags: asked March 26, 2014

2 Answers

Just breathe. I am right there with you about snapping at people. I hate when people ask me 'whats wrong' lol. Just tell your friends that your having a really bad day and you are really on edge. If they are good friends then they understand. When you feel yourself getting irritated then take a few very deep breaths.. i know it sounds cliche but it helps ALOT! Also if you feel stressed then just ask to go to the bathroom and just walk around the halls or wherever. It will get the blood flowing and that will help too. Everyone has days when they are on edge and angry.. some come more than others.. its fine.. your human! you'll be okay! :)
I get there sometimes, I put on this great mask for everyone, Calm, smiling, even joking, but underneath, my nail is drilling into the esophagus of that person, then that friend who tries to comfort me with some cookie-cutter psychology B.S., yah, it really churns my butter even worse, then I think, "What the fuck? Is this who I am?"