What do guys think when they like someone ?


Hi everyone !

I need some guy advice here. I wonder if guys can like several girl at the same time at the very beginning or even before the dating stage.

The reason I ask is that usually, when I meet a guy that I appreciate a lot and whom I would consider dating, I tend not to get interested in other guys before I get to know this one better and to start dating him. However, i usually feel like guys behave differently and that, before it gets serious, they might consider dating a couple of girls (even if they don’t actually date them all) before they make a choice. Is that correct ?

Thanks :)

Category: asked October 10, 2015

2 Answers

It all depends of each person, I have a lot of female and male friends, constantly my female friends tend to be more open to see a lot of guys when dating than my male friends. I'm a girl and I tend to just see the guy I'm interested in but when I ussed to date one guy I realized he was seeing other girls so I decided to end it before started.But I have a few friends (male friends) that I really know a lot, like forever, that when they are dating they only see one girl.
I know for me personally, I do tend to fall for more than one person at a time, but there's usually a favorite among them. But for a lot of reasons, I'm also not your typical guy, so take that for what it's worth ;)