What are some beginning signs of sociopathy?? Please help!!


Antisocial Personality Disorder. Like, when this disorder is first developing in a person, what are the signs and symptoms? Because I have a problem with this girl, and a few other people that I know do too. My family, and those associated with my family have known this girl for years, or at least some have. The ones who don’t really talk to us anymore do, but ANYWAYS. They knew her for years, but lately she seems different, then what she seemed like she was before. She just seems very cold, and she doesn’t seem to at all care for my, or anybody else’s well being. She is very sexual as well. She well, raped and abused me while she was living with me, and my family because she had nowhere to go. I’ve just now heard that she has also sexually molested a couple of the children as well. She seems to be very sexually aggressive. And this boy who we adopted into the family decided to give her a chance, and went to meet up with her somewhere, and he claimed that all she did while he was hanging out with her was molest him. He said that he was trying to get her to stop, but she seemed to think it was some joke, or didn’t get that “no” means “No” and not “yes.” Which suspiciously, is also what some of the others seemed to think. Then he said that she went from being this sweet, kind girl, to this heartless girl, who didn’t seem to care at all for him. He said that he tried to leave multiple times, and she didn’t seem to be doing much to get him to stay, and didn’t seem to care that much either for trying to prove to him that she did care. And this may seem odd that they just met, so she shouldn’t care right away, but she should have a basic care for what happens to other people, like, if you saw someone suffering on the street, you would help, right? That’s what I mean. And she did tell him that he was important to her, and he is only fourteen, and a therapist said that it would be expected if he was a little immature for his age over some personal things that happened, that I won’t get into detail about. But anyways, getting off the subject. He said that she went from being this kind hearted, sweet girl, to a cold heartless girl, who picked fights with him when he was just making a comment, or just “being himself” and just someone who didn’t at all seem to care for his well being. And then recently, I don’t want to go into detail, but he basically told her that he was on the streets, and he was wondering if there was anything she could do, and apologized for what happened, even though he didn’t feel like he did anything wrong. There was no way that she could tell that he was lying, but her reaction to me, still seemed sort of off, or messed up. She apparently said that she couldn’t do anything, but then told him when he asked if she cared, said “Nope!” And said that despite the fact that she answered the phone, didn’t want to be talking to him, which to me seems two faced. I mean, why was she on the phone with him then? But my opinion isn’t important, anyways. She just kept coming up with excuses for why she did answer, and when she couldn’t come up with anymore excuses she evaded the topic, and told him to not call this number, that she didn’t want to talk to him, and he reminded her that she said he was important to her, and she said “Yeah, you kind of fucked that up”

Which brings up another question. You can’t just simply stop caring for someone, right? I mean, if someone is really important to you, you can’t just stop caring, that’s why the fight is upsetting for you, right? Which is another red flag. She seems to be able to turn off her emotions. Which isn’t something a normal person can do. She apparently stopped caring for him, others say that she also seemed to have “stopped caring for them” as well. which, if several people say the same thing about her, there has to be some truth to it, or several people wouldn’t have said that same thing. She has sexually molested children, and according to the boy, she blamed the 4 year old for “getting sexual” with her, and that he shouldn’t have been doing that, when there’s NO reason or excuse for. All he was doing was holding her hand too. Which is normal for children to do. That isn’t strictly an “adult” thing. She seems very sexually aggressive, and he said that she seemed very perverted, and didn’t get that he didn’t want to be doing sexual things.

Overall, she seems very cold, and heartless. It’s concerning, since she never seemed like that before. Could she be a sociopath? Do you see signs of sociopathy in this? Or is she just fucked up? What are some beginning signs of this disorder? I need to know. It’s important, really.

Category: Tags: asked March 22, 2014

4 Answers

That girl is showing many signs of ASPd and sociopathy. You need to report her to the authorities right away, do not let her get away with sexually abusing yourself and those children. Gather yourself and every other victim of hers and turn her in.

Do this right away, before she has the chance to victimize anyone else.
there is definitely something wrong with this girl. yes. those are antisocial, and sociopathic tendencies. No question about it. I am not a therapist and it's obvious she is not mentally sane. She needs a therapist, and/or she needs to be locked away because she is a danger to society at the moment as you are already able to tell.
It definitely sounds like there is something wrong with her. You should tell the police about how she molested kids + get as many children as you can to testify against her about the molesting. No child molester should go unpunished!!!
Yes, this does sound quite a bit like Sociopathy, or Psychopathy, but I'm not sure which one. Does she seem to be nervous, or totally normal in situations where these events occured? Psychopaths will appear the most normal outside of their crime scenes. Sociopaths, however, will appear more odd, and "creepy" in real life. Secondly, how often has she been manipulative? Either way, regardless of whether you care which one she is, she definetly has one of these disorders, characterized by a disregard for social norms, and a lack of empathy for things they have done wrong.