Weight issues


Over the past year I’ve lost 2 stone but every time i look in the mirror all i think of is how big my belly is, I’m 17, 5ft 5in and weigh 107 pounds but i still feel fat! I lost weight to stop this feeling but it hasn’t gone away. I weigh my food out before I eat it and always check that the food is low in fat, I weigh my self everyday because im so scared of putting weight on and I will starve myself the day before just to make sure I dont put on weight. I’ve stayed the same weight for a week now and this makes me feel really depressed, it’s like im obsessed with losing weight, I’m fed up of hating my body, it makes me feel sad all the time, I need some advice.

Category: asked August 19, 2014

5 Answers

So... acceptance is key. Not easy but key. What you will realize is that almost no one is ever happy with their bodies. If you ask anyone "list 3 things you would change about your body?" Even the top super models would probably list a few things.

Even when people reach some of their goals... they find new ones to take their place. Same thing happens to people with material goods. "I would be soo happy if only I had that red sports car!" Then they get the car and want a big screen TV and a mansion with a pool... it never ends.

What you have to train yourself to do is be happy with what you have. Sometimes a method that works is being thankful for what you do have. It isn't a nice way to go about it but it does work... compare what you have to others. There was a saying I read once that said "I used to complain about not having very nice shoes... until I met a man with no legs."

An exercise you can do to be thankful for things is to make an on going list... every time you think of something you write it down. Consult the list daily or whenever you're down and you will realize how much you have to be thankful for. This also ensures you don't take everything for granted as we all most often do.

So long as your healthy you should try to learn and be happy with yourself the way you are.... you do not need to be a certain shape or size... being confident in yourself is much more attractive :).
Confidence is key. Being comfortable in your body is also very important. There are many ways you can feel happy and confident in your body; put in some badass music as you go about your day. You might think it doesn't work but it brings us confidence boosts through its powerful lyrics and catchy beats. It's helped me a lot through a situation similar to yours. I couldn't even walk down the street without feeling judged and sneered at. But music has helped incredibly well. If you want to physically do things that will help you in this time is to exercise, in whatever way you can. It could be daily strolls through your neighbourhood. It could be jogging in the early morning sunshine. It could be arranging to do fun recreational sports with friends, for example; swimming, skating, skiing, badminton, tennis, basketball or anything kind of sport that you can financially afford to participate in. To be completely honest, you are strong. You've gotten this far, and I know that you can go further. Few people see how absolutely incredible they are, it's so sad. You know why? Because we're like butterflies, beautiful creatures but unable to see our own wings. Because we're like fireflies, magical insects but unable to see our own glow. Because we're human. We see more flaws in ourselves than anyone else. You can look past those insecurities and fears, I know you can. Look past them and you'll see your wings.
i don't think you are fat at all. check this out http://www.caloriesperhour.com/tutorial_ideal.php this site says for women of height 5ft 5 inch the appropriate weight should be about 120 pounds.So don't be depressed.Be proud of what you are. good luck :)
you're just a little bit insecure :) all you need is a little bit of confidence and you're good to go.
If you want to lose weight, put down the fork.