Uncomfortable with my body, going swimming with my boyfriend tomorrow.


I’m going swimming with my boyfriend (of 1 month; we’ve been friends for years before that) tomorrow. It’s at his cousin’s grad party. I’m quite unhappy with my body (even though I eat healthy and work out regularly). He’s extremely fit. I’m afraid that once he sees me in my bathing suit, he won’t be physically attracted to me anymore.

Category: Tags: asked June 6, 2014

8 Answers


I know it isn't easy but you shouldn't allow this to bother you but I can understand how it might. That being said to ease your anxiety lets try to think about this from another angle. Lets say for a moment that you are the perceived physically fit and attractive one in the relationship and your boyfriend is soft and insecure with his figure. If there is love in your heart for this man how much does his outwardly appearance matter? Would you want him to feel insecure around you because of his body or would you love him regardless?

I'll have to assume you picked the answer that says love is unconditional.

To make the whole situation a bit easier on you, if it is possible, perhaps you will want to talk to him about it and be sure he understands you are a bit insecure. Allow him to tell you in his own words how much he loves you regardless... do it in private perhaps after you change in a private setting. Allow him to see you first and dissolve all of your anxiety and reservations!

I hope this helps.
lol don't worry about such things, he's been your friend for years and he's your bf, c'mon.
You should know that you're body is the greatest item you'll ever own, it can achieve everything you want in life, be proud of it. Also if you've known him that long then he'll be far past the physical appearance thing and like you for who you are! have fun tomorrow :)
Its sounds t ome like your probably got nothing to worry about.
You say that you eat healthy and work out regularly,so you are probably in good shape,so all you need to do is to not show him your uncomfortable,by being confident tomorrow.
Even if you weren't in any type of good shape,and he didnt like what he saw,then being with some one who is shallow may not be a good thing.But im possitive that want be the case here.
Just go enjoy yourself.Its always the hardest doing something for the first time!Im sure you know that from other experiences.
If he's your boyfriend, and hasn't yet, he's gonna see you naked sooner or later anyways, so if you're afraid of him seeing you in a swimming suit, it might turn into a bigger issue. But also, unless you walk around wearing oversized hoodies and sweat pants all the time, he's well aware of your body shape, especially if he's been your friend for a while before. So you don't have to be insecure about him 'seeing' you, he already likes the way you look.
He's your boyfriend. If he truly loves you for who you are, he wouldn't care what type of body you have - he'll love you no matter what. Also, if you eat healthily and work out regularly, you're pretty fit yourself too! I don't even do that -.- You'll be fine girlll xx.
If you personally are not wanting to go swimming because of the way your suit shows off your body, don't wear a suit. Wear a t shirt and shorts. I recently had the same sort of issue and I went in guy's gym shorts and a t shirt. I got more confident seeing others in their suits and built up the nerve to swim in my bra and the shorts, and I had never worn anything less than a tankini before! Just do what you are personally comfortable with.
Exactly what DJ said! Also, I am fatter than you so shhhhhhh.