Too scared to ask for help, what now?


I made a different forum post about this, but I’m just really struggling with reaching out for help. I was sexually abused as a child and I can’t deal with it right now, I feel like in the future it’s going to destroy me. I’m confused, I’m scared… I don’t know if I have the strength to seek help. I don’t even feel like I deserve it.

Category: Tags: asked February 22, 2015

5 Answers

Seeking for help is not an easy step to take. You do deserve to get help. You deserve to get through this. I've been through this as well when I was younger, so if you ever want to talk with someone who understands, you're always free to message me. Here on blah there will always be people reaching out to help you, but sometimes it's better to reach out for professional help. That's not an easy step to take, but once you take that step you'll feel relieved afterwards. You deserve to move on from this. You deserve better.
Hey, don't be scared. You're a human being. You deserve the best. You must be treated right. Seek for help. We're always with you. I'm on your back. Don't worry.
I know what you're going through, so feel free to message me if you like. Seeking help is such a hard thing to do, and even admitting that you would like help or that you might need help to deal with what you're experiencing is admirable. You definitely deserve help if you want it, you are in no way at fault for what you went through, and still are going through. Sometimes it can be easier, and less intimidating to talk to a friend or someone you trust than a counsellor
i understand so much where you are coming from. there are too many mixed emotions when it comes to this. i agree that it can be easier to talk to friends about it. lord knows they wont fully understand unless they have been through something similar. I was going through this before. At times I still struggle with it. When it hit me hard, I didnt feel comfortable talking to other people about it. I wanted help, but didnt know where to go. i went to the library. there was a self help book that did its job well. it was almost like taking a class in school. you would read and there would be exercises to help you adress the stuff you dont want to because it hurts too much, makes you feel disgusted, feel guilty, angry etc. then it gives you exercises to retrain your brain. it doesnt make it go away, there is no overnight change, but it helps a little. i have tried therapists around here but i couldnt depend on any of them to stick around. right when i would start getting into the serious stuff, that therapist transferred. that doesnt help the issue at all. if anything, it compounds it. seeking help and then being abandoned. not all therapists are like that i guess, but that was my experiences. i do journals. i have been writing in journals for 16 years. when you are stuck in your emotions, its good to have an outlet.the best thing that has come from me writing journals is when i look back on them. when i re-read them. it brings the memories and emotions back...but if you look closely you can see a pattern of behavior that is related to what happened. then you can strive to change it. its so hard and a very slow process, but slowly things will get better.self help and philosophy books helped me a lot
Thanks so much to everyone for these messages, they're really supportive