Tips? Suggestions?


Hi there :)
Never asked a question here before, so this is a first.
I have a lot of scars on my arm from past self harm. Does anyone know of any ways to lessen the visibility of them? Any creams?

asked April 18, 2015

2 Answers

I've had great luck with Aloe Vera! You can buy it at drugstores. :) You could also try lemon juice - just clean the area, put 1 tsp. of lemon juice on a cotton ball and apply to the area, and rinse it off after 10 minutes!
you can buy bio oil from the chemist/supermarkets here from where I am. It takes a while to take effect and many people says its great for scars. Im not sure if you guys have it where ever you're from. But you can always walk into the chemist and ask for something similar or for their suggestions.