Tips for self harm self help?


I’m 19 and have been self-harming for 7 years. I’m badly scarred particularly on my forearms and thighs and I seem to have been addicted for at least the last 3 years. In this time, the longest I’ve gone without cutting is 4 months, and that resulted in a relapse that landed me in hospital… I am too scared to try and stop cutting for that long again because the longer I’m clean for, the worse I relapse, and I can’t afford to put myself in that position because I am suicidal and I need to stay away from things that will make me likely to hurt myself worse than usual – self harm keeps me sane and pushes the suicidal thoughts away momentarily.

I could just really really do with some advice, about alternatives (don’t link me to that page on this site, I’ve already seen it, wasn’t very helpful), or about how I can begin to quit or reduce the damage I’m causing myself without putting myself in more danger… or even how to care for my cuts or clean them properly and keep them from getting infected, as I’m very neglective when it comes to that but I don’t really want septicemia! Please, just any support or advice would be greatly appreciated, I hate upsetting my boyfriend by having new scars every time he sees me, and one day I hope there will be a time where I can proudly say to him that I have no new scars…. he deserves so much better than someone as selfish and fucked up as me, and I want to change.

A big thank you to anyone who replies <3

Category: Tags: asked April 24, 2014

4 Answers

Well, first off I can relate to you 100%. I felt the same way when I was your age, I'm 21 now and I still do it. I don't really understand why I feel the need to do it anymore, I just do it. I was only hospitalized once, because I cut myself so badly. I will be honest with you, it's your body and you can do what you want with it, nobody can stop you doing anything but it seems like you want to stop this and you have taken the first step which is actually asking for help from people so well done for that!You said you lasted 4 months which is a lot longer than I have ever lasted, but I don't cut myself so deep anymore. You also said you were suicidal, that implies depression, although it might not be the case but if it is then you need to find the cause of your depression. If there is no cause then your problem is more serious in that fact that it's a natural feeling for you, and this feeling WILL disappear, same as the suicidal thoughts. If you have spoken to anyone else about it, I'm sure they will tell you that as well, and you will probably think they are lying. Their not. They will disappear eventually.On advice, I can't say too much about this because I'm in the same boat and nobody has really helped me that much, I don't cut myself deep anymore which is good and I am slowly getting less and less deep as the days go by. Which for me is a start, you lasted 4 months without a single cut, which is great. Do you know why you didn't cut in that time? If you do, try to relive them moments.The only other thing I could say, is, you cut yourself but it doesn't do you any good. There is not one good thing that comes from it, all you do is ruin your body and make other people around you scared that one day you might go too far and kill yourself. Your boyfriend is probably most worried about you, he loves you and he knows that behind closed doors you are sitting there with a sharp object slicing your own skin away. He doesn't know why you do it, and most likely you don't really have a good grasp on the whole concept yourself, you just do it. If you can't stop cutting yourself, for you. Stop for the people around you, the physical pain is what you feel, but your family, friends, and boyfriend feel pain emotionally to, in most cases, that's worse. So stop for them, and stop for yourself. <3
First off, let me start by saying that you are a beautiful girl inside and out. I understand that times get hard and it gets to that point where you just can't take it anymore. And cutting feels like the only solution, like it'll make the pain magically stop for a little bit. But cutting only stops the pain temporarily. Luckily for you, I have a few alternatives for cutting. First thing, before you decide you're gonna cut, take a second to really think. What is cutting resolving? Nothing really. Take a long deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds then let it out. Instead of cutting, take a marker and use the marker to draw and scribble all over your body. Anywhere you want to cut. I've done it before it helps sooo much. Sure, it's messy but it's not painful afterwards and it washes. Scars don't. There's this other thing called the butterfly project. (I think that's what it's called if I'm not mistaken) But basically, When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off. If you let it fade, the butterfly lives. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it. I've only tried that one once, it was alright. A weird yet helpful one, rub ice cubes on your skin and just letting it sit and melt on your skin on the place you want to cut. And last, the rubber band thing. You snap rubber bands on your wrist or anywhere on your body. As for your scars, scars are beautiful. But if you want to get rid of them or even just make them less visible, there's palmers brand cocoa butter and bio-oil. I'm currently using bio-oil right now and I have been for a couple weeks. I haven't seen any results yet but my good friend said it takes a couple months. I hope some of this helped you and you can always message me if you need anymore advice or anymore alternatives for other things. I'm always down to help. Keep your head up, pretty c: it will be okay.
I used to do self harm to. I think what really helps is to do things that make you busy. Motivational things. Even if it's slow and little things. Such as talking to yourself. Dancing, looking at motivational pics, working out, calling someone, putting makeup on to feel pretty.
Always here for you, you've got a friend in me.
Hi. I don't think I will be of much help, but I feel like we are really similar so I am going to tell you my story. I started cutting when I was 12 and now I am 20. For most of my life I have felt that I needed to cut. Also when I stopped cutting my suicidal thoughts got worse. For a while when I completely stopped cutting myself I stopped going to school. Instead I hid in my room in hopes that if I am not near anything sharp I won't harm or kill myself. But over time I was so aggravated and sad that I overdosed on my pills. While it wasn't a suicide attempt I put myself in more danger than if I had just been cutting. It has been several months since then and I may slip up one day, but for now I feel better. I don't think about killing myself and when I want to cut myself I am able to walk away from it. I am happy even when things are going wrong, I am feeling great. So hold on and don't think you have to cut yourself so that you don't feel suicidal; all things pass in time. And for when you do feel like cutting what I always do is apply ice to my wrist. It stings a little bit, just enough to get some of the edge off. (that sounds like I am on drugs). Oh well, I hope this was somewhat helpful. If you ever need someone to talk to message me.