

I was at a party the other night and I was out with a group of friends and everyone was cool, we were smoking and drinking. Then later on, this guy who I was smoking with grabbed my backpack from the floor, and then said it was his. I got in his face and told him that it was mine and still he said it was his. My friends were behind me and where telling him to give it back and finally he did, but to me he was clearly a threat,now I don’t know if I can walk by myself without having to worry if this guy wants to harm me. (maybe he followed me back from the party) As a result of I’ve been out of breath sort of scared, I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid, but are these symptoms of some kind of depression or probably death threats that I’m receiving.

Category: asked April 21, 2015

4 Answers

From my understanding, it sounds like he probably just drank a bit too much. I wouldn't really worry about him harming you, people tend to do stupid things when they're drunk. If you're seriously worried about it though, just hang out with a friend for a bit. Maybe even have a friend go with you to talk to him somewhere public when everyone's sober, just to make sure everyone's on the same page. From what you've said, I personally don't think it's signs of depression, just something that scared you a bit.
Yeah thats how I feel like if I should be threatened by this guy, what was funny to me was that in the beginning he was friendly and then his attitude changed to wanting to rob me, but yeah my friends where saying not to worry and it was just a miss understanding but at the moment I felt like he knew what he was doing, but anyways he gave me my backpack back and then he left the party. but I should be a lil cautious right.
Yeah I think it's great to still be cautious. But the fact that he was friendly and then had a change of attitude once he got drunk really makes me think he's probably not a bad guy, just a bad drunk.
I know but yeah I might of over reacted too. We all did. but still he probably regretted doing that that is why he left.