Stress/Anxiety is the worst kind of pressure.


When I know that I have a lot of homework due for my classes, I build up emotional stress that totally disrupts my concentration and I procrastinate for hours simply because I can’t focus closely enough to do the work. I’ve tried many different tips to try to calm myself down enough to become productive, but I can’t shake the tension. I’ve tried listening to soft music and taking breaks during my studying and drinking tea and meditating and taking short naps etc. etc. etc. I need results so my finals don’t murder me.

Any suggestions as to what I can do to calm my emotions and manage to concentrate ?

Category: Tags: asked October 29, 2013

5 Answers

I also suffer from anxiety so i understand how annoying it can be. Try thinking of a time where you felt serene and peace. Focus on that while taking calming breathes. That should calm you down but if it doesn't try listening to some calming music like a piano or sounds of nature. What also might help is to set certain times to get things finished. It helps you keep calm and organized. Hope this helps!
I also procrastinate, which is not the best thing to do..especially when you're in college. I find that checking my syllabus for important exam dates and due dates and setting up a calendar helps. Organize your schedule and divide homework and studying into sections. I know this isn't going to help with your procrastination right at this moment, but for the future it might help. It's better to try to get things done with immediately so you have less worrying/less work to do later on. (I am working on this myself and it makes me less stressed out when I get things done earlier.)
Practice staying in the moment. You may get yourself too worked up by worrying about the test, instead of on the material. You'll probably have to do this time and time again, I know it gets frustrating but it is the only thing that has worked for me: Whenever you notice a sneaky little worry about the future, try to squash it immediately and replace it with "in the moment" thoughts. Some people will put a rubber band on their wrist, and snap it any time they notice an unwanted thought pattern. This also helps you be more aware of your thought patterns so in the future you can better control it. This may not be helpful for this particular test, but will serve you well for a lifetime once you master it! Also remember to be kind to yourself. If you don't do well on this particular exam, don't worry just focus on improving for the next one! No one likes to hear it, but it will take TIME and PRACTICE. I hope this helps!
Well, i learnt a neat trick or two for the anxious procrastinator in me. What you can try is reading the entire textbook on the subject, jut flick to a page that seems interesting. if it does not interest you, continue to another. you will pick up pieces of information here and there, and after a while you can begin to read whole chapters and not realize. Another thing i learnt is that you have to take advantage of the anxiety. Tell yourslef out aloud in a panicked voice that your assessment is due tomorrow. That helped me do many an assignment.You will rush out a copy that may suck, but now you have something to work on to bring it up to scratch.Hope any of this helps!