Should I still be friends with people that think they’re better than me?


Well, these people that im friends with that sorta get better grades than me (or so they think) started calling me “gullible” and easy to scare (we sometimes try to creep up on each other and try to scare them) well, they started making fun of this name tag i drew for my science project, and one misinterpreted it wrong, and she came up with this really cruel mean nickname, and all my friends in that group started calling me that. she even drew it on my birthday card. She spread rumors about me and played a trick on me. Many times she ditched me when she said she would be their. also, she nearly made me miss the shuttle once. She always says its a joke and of course she wouldnt do whatever she was doing. I think she secretly makes fun of me and isnt my friend at all. But i really don’t like making enemies, and i dont really want to cross her because she knows a lot of people and might say bad things about me. what should i do?

Category: asked November 17, 2014

4 Answers

Honestly you don't need people like that. Those are not friends but bullies. You have to be confident in yourself and not care what people have to say. They're rumors for a reason. If you give in you feed the fire. Even if she may know people, don't let that stop you from being you. You will find a new group of friends who will love and care for you. Honestly I can never do anything like that at all to any of my friends. Friends help out each other and stick up for one another. It seems you're still young, and honestly over time you will make the best of friends who will love you for you. Don't be afraid to turn from those who hurt you. You'll grow to be stronger and learn to say no to them.
Step aside, take your own place, forget about people who doesn't help you in any way. Find friends, REAL friends, the ones that wont hurt you or make you feel that way when they know it hurts.
Have you seen the movie "Mean Girls". Listen friends don't downgrade they lift each other up. Light teasing of friends is normal and can be quite an intimate way to bound. She is not your friend. She IS an enemy who doesn't want you to know. Drop her from your life and you'll have less stress.
Definitely no. Never be friends with anyone who does not treat you equally and does not treat you like a FRIEND. Leave them, find new people, hang out with people you feel comfortable with and can laugh about the smallest things. Clearly they are manipulative and absolutely terrible people for thinking that that's even acceptable. They are not your friends. I know you're in a hard place right now because you don't want any more "drama" or a hard school life, so secure yourself in a safe and happy environment with a group of friends who encourage you to do better, and will be there for you. You will gain the confidence you need and take that step forward in life. Remember, there is always other people who deserves your attention and that girl your friends with, is not. Place yourself first before anyone else so that you can help yourself and others to do their best!